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Image Source: World Economic Forum |
© February 25, 2023, the Griot Poet
The category of “white” was created,
After the Bacon rebellion,
A coalition of African enslaved
people and European indentured servants,
“For the ways we have chosen to make
our vast fortunes; this is not good for the sugar cane and cotton business.”
The plantation was their sprawling
Old Europe had lords, and they were
Old Europe had serfs and they had
enslaved servants.
Old Europe had castles and they had
The US Constitution was based on the
UK Magna Carta,
Thus, the New World was an analog of
the old world their ancestors left.
This upstart colony, soon to be a
Was determined to better King George,
his empire, and their elder English statesmen,
So, plantation oligarchs created out
of whole cloth,
“White” people, and
Enslavement patrols: they gave them
positions and power,
They had weapons and five-pointed
star badges,
The plantation oligarchs were
particularly frightened by the success of the Haitian rebellion.
So much so,
Their descendants would make it their
policy to keep Haiti as an example of persistent depravity and poverty.
The date of the first American
Three years after the ratification of
the US Constitution,
They made their purpose obvious and
The US census was to count only
so-called “white” citizens.
Due to their prejudices and lack of
Descendent of a Nordic bent.
Eventually, it included Czechs,
Italians, Jews, and Russians,
Just so long as they treat with the
same disdain,
America’s pariahs are put in the
“others” category.
When they counted the 3/5ths, humans,
To calibrate their political
The enslaved numbered 33%!
The immigration population for
Africans remained at zero until the 1970s, when their total population declined
to 9%.
The year of a study by Pew research,
Between 2005 and 2050,
So-called “white people” in the US,
Will shrink from 67% to 47%,
A numerical minority for the first
time in the category by 2050, 260 years of existence.
How would so-[called] “white people”
address this?
They might,
Want to break every treaty they have
ever written with Native Americans,
“From 1778 to 1871, the United States
government entered into more than 50 treaties with the Native
American tribes; all of these treaties have since been violated in some way or
outright broken by the US government
with Native Americans and First Nations peoples.”
“We don’t need no stinking history.”
Just ask Ron DeSantis.
They might,
Through the Federalist Society,
Stack the US Supreme Court with religious
Who lied in their Confirmation
“Stare decisis” is Latin for
But the pressing issue is
Roe vs. Wade was overturned,
Because they’re not pro-life, they
are pro-birth,
The closet had its function:
Many of those in power used it,
They procreated within sham
Hooking up on the down low in
You’re “taking one for the team” for the
so-called “white” male cisgender hierarchy.
They might,
Want to repeal Affirmative Action
In education and hiring,
They might,
Inaugurate the former Enslaved
Give them badges and blue uniforms,
And the Orwellian motto, “protect and
With the wink and nod of understanding:
the oligarch’s property,
They might,
Want to gerrymander congressional
Set up by the racial apportionment,
Mandated every ten years by the US
SPLIT the largest HBCU,
North Carolina A&T State
To dilute the votes of students at
the college,
Along with Bennett Women’s College and
Dudley High School,
That made sit-ins popular,
For a while,
My ancestors weren’t a part of that,
That 3/5ths fraction,
It was a compromise between the northern
states and southern plantation owners,
The nation fought a revolution over “taxation
without representation,”
While Africans toiled at chattel
Working for centuries without
This fact is why reparations,
Is so fiercely resisted:
Like a key stitch in crochet,
Such an action unravels the knitting,
So, it all makes a kind of,
Like Covid-19,
Racism is a virus,
So are its byproducts:
Homophobia, misogyny, and xenophobia.
We’re not going to solve the climate
Or manufacture starships,
Nous Sommes Humain: we are ALL
To survive, we need to cooperate.
If we’re arguing about which culture
is “great,”
If we’re arguing over temporary mask
Or, the efficacy of vaccines versus
the quackery of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin,
If you’re not a mule or a horse, I [would]
not try it.
If we refuse to cooperate,
Like Octavia Butler said,
We’re “smooth dinosaurs” and our [own]
Chicxulub meteors.
“The concept of intersectionality
describes how systems of inequality based on gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation,
gender identity, disability, class, and other forms of discrimination
“intersect” to create unique dynamics and effects.”
“Unique dynamics and effects,”
This statistic means a coalition that
numbers 53%,
And 53% is greater than 47%.
“I don’t like those,”
African Americans,
Asian-Pacific islander Americans,
Hispanic/Latino Americans
LGBTQ+ Americans,
Women, who outnumber men,
“If current trends continue, the
demographic profile of the United States will change dramatically by the middle
of this century, according to new population projections developed by the Pew
Research Center. The nation’s population will rise to 438 million in 2050, from
296 million in 2005, and 82% of the growth during this period will be due to
immigrants arriving from 2005 to 2050 and their descendants.” Pew
They might,
Elect two unqualified presidents,
From the same party,
In the same century,
Using the antebellum electoral
Going from a five-to-four Supreme
Court fiat,
And “Brooks Brothers” Riots in
Tallahassee, Florida,
To a three-to-six zealot’s Mullah
To an actual coup attempt on January
(Both orchestrated by Roger Stone in
his rodent weirdness),
And now that the CIA rejected “white”
supremacist Tucker Carlson,
He has 40,000+ hours of Capitol video
footage gifted to him,
By the spineless jellyfish, Kevin
January 6, 2021, was practice!
January 6, 2025, will be Margaret
Atwood’s “Sons of Jacob,”
In fifty states and territories,
Just like they did in Wilmington, NC,
in 1898,
They WILL establish a “Republic of
And, as long as the New York Stock
Exchange is functional,
The world will barely blink!
Fascism doesn’t stop with your
favorite “out” group.
Ignorance is not Thomas Ode’s bliss,
Ignorance is Orwell’s tool for the
It is relentless in its pursuit of
power and dominance.
It is insidious in that it will
Turncoats from those same out groups,
Subsisting on the crumbs from the
rich man’s table for their poor Lazarus,
They’re only solace: they’re not you,
who has it worse.
It’s why they oppose it.
Education, comedy, history, music,
poetry, science: reality!
Because they know the power of
And that their dominance is a chimera
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