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Letters at 3 AM: O is for Oligarchy, Michael Ventura, Austin Chronicle |
© September 29, 2022, the Griot Poet
Langston Hughes,
Part of the Harlem Renaissance,
He played his part,
Commenting on the issues of the day,
Bringing the ire of the Unamerican Activities Committee,
Chaired by a demagogue,
Senator Joseph McCarthy,
Advised by Orange-Satan’s favorite hatchet lawyer,
The closeted, self-hating Roy Cohn,
Don Lemon on CNN,
Interviewed Hillary Fordwich,
A British woman,
Her opinion:
That the ENTIRE continent of Africa,
Owes reparations to the British crown,
Africans didn’t steal resources,
Africans didn’t colonize foreign lands and slaughter fellow
Africans didn’t obliterate cultures through “reeducation camps”
and gaslighting,
Africans didn’t have a Queen wearing the Order of Saint
Michael jewelry,
The archangel is pictured as a white male,
With his boot on the neck of Satan, [pictured] as an African.
Africans didn’t invent a doomsday weapon, making J. Robert
Oppenheimer quoted the Bhagavad Gita Vedic scriptures:
“If the radiance of a thousand suns,
“Were to burst forth at once into the sky,
“That would be like the splendor of the mighty
“Now, I have become death, the destroyer of
Club Q in Colorado was Pulse 2.0 in Florida.
The most devastating thing the dominant culture can do is to
“other” marginalized people.
When they do that, they make it possible to kill their members.
The mythology of the Nazis,
“The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,”
Led to Kristallnacht: night of broken glass,
Culminating in Dachau and Auschwitz,
It’s now reimagined as Democrats eating babies by QAnon BS,
Since Mother Immanuel, black worshippers are not comfortable
in churches.
Christchurch, New Zealand, left Muslims uncomfortable in
The Pittsburgh Tree of Life Synagogue shooting makes American
Jews wary of worship,
The Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, was the site of a gun
Gay people have two reasons not to go out partying,
Drag queens reading nursery rhymes might be met with AR15s,
Hispanic citizens can get massacred in El Paso, Texas, at
Now, so can Chesapeake, Virginia residents,
You can’t go for a pleasant walk on a nature trail in Raleigh,
North Carolina, without the threat of being randomly assassinated,
Women haven’t been safe from men for centuries.
The Ku Klux Klan STILL isn’t designated a terrorist
By the United States Department of Justice,
After cross burnings, castrations, hangings, burning of men
and women (including some pregnant), feeding babies to crocodiles in Florida as
These actions are terrorism,
By the Republican Party on US citizens,
After the 2004 expiration of the Assault Weapons Ban,
George W. Bush didn’t renew it,
Which made the gun industry fabulously wealthy,
Put bullseyes on all our backs,
As they and their Congress of sociopaths blissfully exist in
gated Cul de Sacs,
This terrorism is taking our safe spaces from us,
All we get from republicans are their erectile dysfunctional
“thoughts and prayers” shtick,
There is no conservative plan for:
Climate change,
Marijuana decriminalization,
Bodily autonomy for women,
Reducing gun massacres,
A conservative case for same-sex marriage,
The Bacon Rebellion,
When European indentured servants and African enslaved people
rose against the oligarchs,
The oligarchs responded by
Defining for the first time,
The made-up category: white,
A “false teaming” of peasants, and lords,
They gave the new “white” people shiny badges,
And made them part of the slave patrols,
The progenitor of modern police forces,
“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the
security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall
not be infringed.”
The militia was understood to be minutemen,
Regulated by General George Washington,
Called to address British aggression,
And to quell African rebellions,
The one word missing,
If you want to argue “original intent,”
“The right of the people to keep and bear arms”
It is missing the word: purchase,
Also, corporations, the NRA, gun shows, lobbyists,
“If you can convince the lowest white man he’s
better than the best:
“Colored man, Gay man, Immigrant, Lesbian, Transgender,
“He won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell,
give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”
Vice President Lyndon Baines Johnson with the reporter Bill
Moyers (modified),
The actions you see are the last gasp of desperation
People who are not ready for a country,
That doesn’t look like them in a Norman Rockwell painting,
Or Jimmy Stewart in “It’s a Wonderful Life”
With a real emphasis on a “white Christmas,”
Speaking of which: it’s time for Fox’s annual war on it.
The Reich Wing establishment,
All wanted Barack Obama to be a “one-term president,”
They’ve been losing what was left of their minds since 2008,
In 2012,
Listening to the Reich Wing echo chamber,
Confident HE would be the nation’s 45th president,
Mitt launched his transition website!
He lost.
Mitt and Anne Romney had a FIT!
Disheveled, disoriented, and genuinely perplexed.
They thought he would win
After lying, tan suits, bared arms, faux controversies, and
“terrorist fist bumps.”
When does it end?
When the current dominant culture realizes,
They are the victims of 400 years of gaslighting,
There was, and is, nothing special about them,
Other than their susceptibility to propaganda,
It was the “Lost Cause” before the “Big Lie,”
Now it’s “Critical Race Theory,”
The psychopath oligarchs will keep playing the same sheet
If they have an audience falling for it,
It ends,
When you join WITH the groups you’ve been trained to despise,
Nous sommes tous humains
We are ALL humans!
We are ALL the 99%.
And the 1% are forever terrified; you’ll realize that!
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