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Image source: Wikipedia/Gerald_L._K._Smith |
© July 25, 2022, the Griot Poet
Gerald L.K. Smith,
A Republican who ran against FDR for president,
He ran on a then-new platform: “America First.”
First coined by the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s,
They liked it so much that they minted coins to give to
The Bard said, “what’s past is prologue,”
Ecclesiastes said, “there is no new thing under the sun,”
Don’t be surprised when I tell you this:
He called himself a “Christian Nationalist.”
Marjorie Taylor Greene,
She of the “Secret Jewish Space Lasers” shtick,
She called herself a Christian nationalist on camera,
We should be terrified.
She might as well be wearing a blue dress and call herself
Serena Joy from The Handmaid’s Tale,
The same woman talking about “traditional family values,”
She had multiple affairs despite marriage to her husband of 25
At their Cross Fit Gym,
One of her trysts with a polygamous tantric sex guru:
Marjorie Taylor Greene Reportedly ‘Openly Cheated’ On Her HusbandWith Multiple Men
Blacks for Trump,
GO Proud,
Log Cabin Republicans,
And women who want a masher to grab their genitals,
Against the women and groups who see their bodily autonomy and
democracy diminished,
All of the previous mentions want to be close to the reigns of
Despite the harm, it does to their particular groups,
“Selling your soul.”
Simply means,
Doing what’s wrong when you know better,
But you do it for crass and selfish reasons,
Access to power,
Reveals who you are with it,
Calling lies truth with a straight face,
Calling the news fake,
Kelly Anne Conway prefaced the head fake with “alternative
(There’s no such thing as that)
It’s why 74 million think a liar is a savior and dismiss the
facts of science and climate change,
Gerald L.K. Smith was a proto-fascist,
Who lived in his authoritarian fantasies,
FDR defeated him handily,
But the country has not dealt with him, that
Led to Senator Joseph McCarthy,
The Red Scare,
And the Un-American Activities Committee,
Even though Roy Cohn, for his client, ended up losing,
He remained silent while actual witch-hunts dismissed his
fellow LGBT from government service,
Coming out when his friends, Ronald and Nancy Reagan,
Helped Cohn get a shot of AZT,
Experimental then, now covered by Blue Cross-Blue Shield,
The Koch Brothers’ dad birthed,
The John Birch Society,
Who thought President Dwight D Eisenhower was a communist?
Republican Senator and presidential candidate Barry Goldwater
WARNED us about this!
Quote: “Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control
of the [Republican] party, and they’re sure trying to do so, it’s going to be a
terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and
governing demand compromise, but these Christians believe they are acting in
the name of God, so they can’t and won’t compromise. I know. I’ve tried to deal
with them.”
This quote is the direct ancestral link
To the so-called “moral majority,”
The Tea Party,
The Freedom (for them, not the rest of us) Caucus,
And MAGA cult fascists!
Doug Mastriano in Pennsylvania is an antisemite,
With an active account on the Gab site,
Automatically followed by Nazis, skinheads, and
Attorney General Josh Shapiro (who is of Jewish descent) is
ruining for governor against him,
He HAS to win!
If an election denier can become governor:
It’s Armageddon, Kalkin, and Ragnarok!
Philadelphia is the birthplace of our fragile democratic
And a darkly fitting place for putting a nail in its coffin.
Gerald L.K. Smith’s Christian nationalists,
Would take one look at Jesus and arrest him,
Because a brown-skinned Palestinian prophet with dreadlocks is anathema to,
The commercial image [that] doesn’t resemble the blonde-haired,
blue-eyed European they marketed!
Raising Lazarus, or Talitha Co-me irrelevant,
Marjorie Taylor Greene isn’t following Jesus,
The idol she bows to is in her [own] reflection!
She, who’s had multiple affairs at her Cross Fit
She wants to tell others about how to be married!
She and MAGA are the grandchildren of Gerald L.K. Smith,
This reason is why their movement is devoid of spirit,
Quote: “We are convinced that when Christ descends on earth today, that he will not refuse blessings to those who strive to put Christianity into practice, to remove mutual self-help, class struggle, and status arrogance, we will strive, strive to make it clear to everyone that it’s a shame not wanting to see the need after we’re trying to suppress German culture being dragged down. We do not tolerate anyone in our ranks who offends the ideas of Christianity, who stands up to a dissident, fights him, or provokes himself as a hereditary enemy of Christianity. This movement of ours is actually Christian.”
That quote is from Adolf Hitler!
Adolph Hitler was also a Christian nationalist.
Nazis then and now consider themselves righteous,
Whether they wear swastikas, polo shirts, or carry tiki
Once they changed the complexion of Palestinian Prophets,
They made their image the object of worship,
There’s no stopping a pack of self-righteous zealots,
America was once admired for keeping religion out of politics.
We now have three actual Supreme Court Justices and six
religious heretics,
That is bought and paid for by the one percent.
I give you a warning about the fruits of Gerald L.K. Smith,
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