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Goebbels' wife had [Jewish] father, new documents show, Times of Israel |
© October 15, 2021, the Griot Poet
There is NO “alternative view” of the Holocaust!
Just like there’s no such thing as “alternative facts.”
It’s an oxymoron (noun): a figure of speech in which
apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction (e.g., faith unfaithful
kept him falsely true ).
Or, military intelligence,
Alternative facts,
Conservative intellectuals,
And the real kicker: “The UNITED States.”
The fact:
Six million Jews were worked to death, raped, starved, shot,
slaughtered, branded like cattle, cataloged on IBM systems, burned in ovens,
and buried in unmarked graves,
There’s no alternative view to that!
For that matter:
There is no alternate way to view slavery!
Blaming it on rival chieftains selling other tribespeople,
It doesn’t absolve the Eagle of kidnapping,
Or murder by suicide by those who cast themselves in the ocean’s
Middle Passage,
Rather than go to an unknown place where their language,
customs, and religion beat out of them,
America didn’t kidnap degenerates,
They stole astronomers, doctors, lawyers, physicists,
Prince Hall Masons started because Scottish Rites rejected
The same for black people in balconies at Methodist churches,
That had to go through back doors to get to their perches,
There are black fraternities and sororities because the white
ones didn’t want them,
Except as servants,
Historically Black Colleges and Universities exist,
Because Duke, Harvard, Princeton, and Yale wouldn’t have them,
Yet their exchequers are fat from enslaved Africans,
No “Ivy Leagues” have discussed reparations,
Nor entrance adjustment since the SAT scandal,
Hawaii used to be a sovereign nation the US took,
Yet no support for DC Statehood,
Real history should make you think,
Real history should make you angry,
Real history should make you weep,
Real history should disturb your comfortable sense of place,
In a hierarchy designed to make sure you never have to think
If your history class isn’t doing that,
It’s state-sponsored propaganda.
South Lake might as well be South Africa during Apartheid,
“Ruby Bridges Goes to School” is now subversive?
The same for Martin Luther King’s “Why We Can't-Wait,”
And “Letter From [a] Birmingham Jail,”
Texas eliminates mention of slavery,
Instead, they want to call them “migrant workers,”
That I assume wore chains and shackles for fashion?
“Remember [that the] Alamo” was because Mexico didn’t practice
And allowed asylum for former slaves escaping to their
When did you eliminate the suicide prevention line for LGBT
When does the State of Texas start the public book burning?
When did the Republic of Texas go full Gilead?
“Don’t Texas Virginia” is an epithet!
Domitian was the Roman Emperor John of Patmos wrote,
About in code when he said:
Six-hundred, threescore, and six,
The name Domitian as numbered in the Greek alphabet,
He was a narcissist who encouraged a cult of personality,
Nominated himself perpetual censor of public morals,
Considered a tyrant by the Roman Senate,
Assassinated by court officials Common Era 96,
Damnatio Memoriae: condemnation of memory and public erasure
by the same Senate,
HB 3979 solves a problem that isn’t happening,
CRT is in graduate and law school,
Just like looking for voter fraud when its frequency is
one-in-a-billion cast,
Just like six-week heartbeat bills doesn’t curtail rape,
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people
will eventually come to believe it.
“The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can
shield the people from the political, economic, and/or military consequences of
the lie.
“It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of
its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie,
and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
Joseph Goebbels
It would help if you had the proper perspective on how this is
affecting us,
HB 3979 is Joseph Goebbels in Texas.
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