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Training Peaks: Dunning-Kruger Effect |
© September 16, 2021, the Griot Poet
In 1980,
Paul Weyrich, founder of the
Heritage Foundation, American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC),
Who gave us the infinitely
useless “stand your ground” laws,
That empowered a psychopath named
And murdered Trayvon Benjamin
Weyrich spoke to a group of
conservative preachers in Dallas, Texas:
“Now many of our Christians have
what I call the ‘goo-goo syndrome.’ Good government. They want everybody to
vote. I don’t want everybody to vote. Elections are not won by a majority of
people. They never have been from the beginning of our country, and they are
not now.”
“As a matter of fact,” he
continued, “our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the
voting populace goes down.”
In 1999,
A prophecy of Nostradamus did not
see its fulfillment
But a paper by Justin Kruger, a
graduate student, and his advisor David Dunning, Cornell University
Caused a stir in academics before
the end of the 20th and start of the 21st Century
Titled: “Unskilled and Unaware
of It: How Difficulties in Recognizing One’s [Own] Incompetence Lead to
Inflated Self-Assessments,”
People who “hold overly favorable
views of their abilities.”
They are not self-critical enough
to know what they’re missing,
Like bulls in china shops, they’d
rather “wing it,”
“Fake it until you make it,”
Causing ruination,
The circular logic is,
If you’re [totally] unaware of
your limitations,
How can you tell if you’ve
reached the summit of knowledge, recognize expertise, or your flaws in your
In 2020,
During the rising death toll of a
global pandemic,
Our shared Nightmare on Elm
At the Resolute Desk said the
quiet part out loud,
In a rare display of candor and
Dismissing the safety protocols
during a pandemic: early voting, mail-in voting, and same-day registration: “They
had things, levels of voting that if you’d ever agreed to it, you’d never have
a Republican elected in this country again.”
The now-famous Dunning-Kruger effect
Seemed fulfillment of Bertrand
Russell’s earlier assessment:
“The fundamental cause of the
trouble is that in the modern world, the stupid are cocksure while the
intelligent are full of doubt.”
Karl Rove told reporter Ron
Suskind: “The aide said that guys like me were ‘in what we call the
reality-based community,’ which he defined as people who ‘believe that
solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.’ [...]
‘That’s not the way the world [really] works anymore,’ he continued. ‘We’re an
empire now, and when we act, we create our [own] reality. And while you’re
studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we’ll act again, creating other
new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out.
We’re history’s actors...and you, all of you, will be left to [just] study what
we do.’”
Karl: that was “One Flew Over the
Cuckoo’s Nest” insanity.
But it and Dunning-Kruger aptly
explains our current calamity,
The modern “gang of Putin” is
Paul Weyrich’s wet dream.
There is a through-line from
Barry Goldwater to Weyrich, Weyrich to Nixon, Nixon to Reagan, Reagan to Orange
Goldwater got some disingenuous
ads against him, painting him as crazy enough to start a thermonuclear war.
Lyndon Baines Johnson won 486
electoral votes to Goldwater’s 52.
It was then Goldwater, years
before Watergate, coined “you’ve got to hunt where the ducks are.”
The ducks were the disaffected
southern Dixiecrats in deep depression because Civil Rights and Voting Rights
from the US Constitution extended to African Americans.
When you have privilege, equal
justice seems like persecution.
Privilege is a kind of willful
For white supremacist power,
party insiders weren’t, and aren’t, willing to remove the scales or blinders.
A diminutive number of domestic
Marched for their seditionist
brethren from January 6,
Pretending they are all political
As if they’re behind the lines of
the Iron Curtain,
No congressional cheerleader,
Even Marjorie Taylor-Green,
Bothered to show up in
The California recall blowout was
an indication,
Maybe they shouldn’t brace to
their bosom the absolute crazy?
They’re all white grievance
minstrels, performance artists, professional trolls, and nihilists. “Owning the
libs” is all they do.
Name ONE piece of legislation
they’ve proposed for the common good?
I hear the sound of chirping
Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk don’t
need another tax cut!
“Idiocracy” did not take 500 years of political Entropy: it just took the desperation of a party that sees its power waning, and is clinging to power at all cost, even if that wage paid is the republic.
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