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9 Things You Need To Know About The Radical Law Professor Obama Once Hugged, Jordan Teicher, Business Insider |
© July 9, 2021, the Griot Poet
Critical legal theory
Is the progenitor of critical race theory,
Started in the 1960s,
Popularized in the 70s and 80s by Derrick Bell at Harvard,
Hugged publicly in a picture by then-student Barack Obama,
Critical race theory is a theoretical framework:
A lens through which one can pose a research question,
It examines how law, and legal institutions,
Serve powerful economic interests,
Structured deliberately,
To oppose the gains of,
Underrepresented ethnic groups,
And by extension,
Women, and the LGBTQ,
To enrich and entrench power to a monied few,
Another subset,
Critical capital theory,
Examines STEM doctoral persistence,
By women and underrepresented minorities
And the structures that hinder their progress
To terminal degree completion,
Each is only encountered in law school or sociology graduate
school programs,
The Texas legislature, in its infinite “wisdom,”
[Would] instead write laws against,
Kindergartners to high school seniors learning critical race
Which oxymoronically doesn’t exist,
Rather than fixing the nonfunctional, independent
ERCOT energy grid
That killed its citizens
Last winter,
The reason,
Ted Cruz fled to Cancun,
Leaving his constituents and dog to freeze,
ERCOT won’t be able to compete
With the heat exasperated by climate change,
Two degrees Celsius equals 35.6°F
Add that to Texas summer average triple digits,
Imminent rolling blackouts isn’t a fix,
They claim global warming doesn’t exist,
Their fossil fuels puppet masters insist,
They would rather make it difficult,
For BIPOC, LGBT, women, and students,
To vote,
They don’t want
“To Kill a Mockingbird,” by Harper Lee,
“Ruby Bridges Goes to School,” by its namesake,
“The Autobiography of Malcolm X,” by Alex Haley,
“Why We Can’t-Wait” by Martin Luther King
“Giovanni’s Room,” by James Baldwin,
Read, seen, discussed, or taught,
We CAN have a whitewashed Black History Month,
That has “happy endings” after lynchings,
We CAN celebrate Juneteenth,
Just so long as we don’t teach about what it means,
Kindergartners aren’t all going to be lawyers,
Some will grow up to be doctors, nurses, engineers, or poets,
You’re not objecting to CRT,
You’re objecting to teaching accurate history,
You’re objecting to teaching this nation’s founding,
Theft of lands from First Nation peoples,
And the kidnapping of African cousins from the mother continent,
If you think discussing lynchings makes you feel guilty,
Think of the black children that had to witness them,
Someone’s father, mother, sister, brother,
Swinging like Billy Holiday’s “Strange Fruit,”
“Blood on the leaves, blood on the root,”
We’ve had PTSD
Since 1619,
Before Nicole Hannah-Jones started the NY Times project,
She’s a UNC-Chapel Hill Alumni,
Denied tenure for the first time,
By a funder offended by the 1619 project’s conclusions,
Her denial of tenure by UNC racist,
And you’re SAD and upset about a historical subject?
Howard’s gain, UNC’s loss,
Being Jewish,
Seeing portraits of Adolf Hitler,
Rudolph Hess, and Joseph Goebbels,
In textbooks and museums,
The swastika flying proudly from pickups,
And hearing
“My great-great grandpappy was a Nazi,
“And, you should respect our heritage!”
African Americans
Have stomached
Stone Mountain, Georgia,
Statues of Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson in Charlottesville,
Removed four years after the martyrdom of Heather Heyer,
The Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma,
Should be renamed for Civil Rights icon, John Lewis,
Instead of bald-faced lies not to “hurt your feelings,” and
The first “big lie/lost cause” gaslighting bullshit,
Confederate monuments
Were commissioned,
Decades after the Civil War,
Spearheaded by the Daughters of the Confederacy,
Seizing the narrative in a dark exercise of agency,
The Civil War
Wasn’t “northern aggression on the southern way of life”
Each state’s article of secession,
From Texas to the Mason-Dixon,
Lay waste to that self-deluded fiction:
Each spoke of the Africans' non-humanity,
Treating them barbarically,
That like Thomas Jefferson justified occasionally having sex
with them,
Sally Hemming was fourteen,
Never freed, bore him six Mullato slave children,
Slavery and its continuation was the reason,
They don’t want true history taught in schools because that
leaves the nation liable and accountable for reparations.
Reparations (noun): making amends for a wrong one
has done by paying money to or otherwise helping those who have been wronged.
In 2009,
Colorado made intrauterine devices - IUDs
Available to teens
Without needing parental permission:
Teen pregnancy dropped 54%,
Teen abortions dropped 64%,
In the last eight years,
For every dollar spent,
They SAVED $5.85, or 70 million dollars,
In services usually reserved for young mothers,
If you attacked white supremacy,
With the venom, you do critical race theory,
Supporting wrongly
Racist parents concerned about their children learning the
country’s true history:
The framework would cease to exist,
There would be no need for it,
Like reducing abortion in Colorado,
You would have solved it,
“Abstinence-only” the political equivalent of “thoughts and
Equally as effective,
Or, as the Bard Shakespeare said,
“Much ado about nothing.”
Post-script: Humans are ALL from Africa,
Not Brahma, the Caucasus mountains, or Yggdrasil,
Alchemy preceded chemistry,
Astrology preceded astronomy,
Hexes, magic, and sacrifice preceded genetics,
Leeches and roots preceded biology,
Metaphysics preceded physics,
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