Sunday, May 16, 2021

The Monster They Made...

© May 16, 2021, the Griot Poet


It’s the kind of speech,

That defines the point beginning,

A presidential run,

It sounds principled, noble, statesmanlike,

It’s also superfluous bullshit.


Her father is Richard “Dick” Cheney,

[Self]-admitted “Dark Lord of the Sith,”

“Twenty-Four” with Kiefer Sutherland,

Was the Fox Propaganda Entertainment Complex hit,

A weekly injection of Tom Clancy action-adventure,

Without giving his estate credit,


Richard “Dick” Cheney,

Sexed-up the intelligence,

Bullying CIA analysts,

To agree with his fantasies,

Saddam Hussein had “weapons of mass destruction,”

He put up Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, and W to buttress it,

“Smoking guns and mushroom clouds,”


That didn’t exist:

That was a lie.


Saddam, Uday, and Qusay,

May not have won honorable mention,

In “Better Homes, and Gardens,”

But, they kept the crazy at bay,

That we now know as ISIS,

Over here, they were the Tea Party cum QAnon,

If you checked out the gas prices,

Scrambling Iraq didn’t get us any extra gas,

Or make a decent omelet!


Abu Ghraib was applying “Gitmo” sadistic strategies,

The United States military, and CIA,

Committing human rights violations,

Scripted on the Fox Propaganda Entertainment Complex,

Encouraged by Darth Vader,

Cheerled by his daughter,


Who VOTED 97% for a demagogue’s sadistic agenda,

As well as his re-election,

The RNC had no agenda,

Except for fealty to him,

Congresswoman Cheney didn’t see this as a problem,


Muslim bans,

Voter purges,

Rescinding the rights of LGBT like her sister to serve openly in the military,

Babies in cages,

Ignoring the existence of Palestinians,

Wasn’t a line,

Until the January 6, 2021 insurrection,

When her life and the Republican Vice President’s threatened,


On September 16, 2001, Vice President Cheney appeared on NBC’s Meet the Press and talked about what it will take to deal with the terrorism threat: “…We have to work the dark side if you will. Spend time in the shadows of the intelligence world,” Cheney said. “A lot of what needs to be done here will have to be done quietly, without any discussion.”

PBS Frontline: The Dark Side


Karmic: Dark Side the name of Russian hackers

That shut down the eastern seaboard,

Sent gas prices soaring,

But, alternative energy and Green New Deals for fossil fuel barons are patently ridiculous,

Five million dollar ransoms the cost of admission,

Transferred dutifully to the pump, ultimately paid by consumers,


This dark side was one of many “Big Lies,”

Starting with Reagan’s wink-and-nod to racist “state’s rights,”

And selling the boondoggle “trickledown voodoo economics,”

Forty years now without a return on this pseudo investment tripe,

In Iraq:

Thousands of American troops and Iraqis died for a lie.


Mary Shelley wrote “Frankenstein: the Modern Prometheus,”

During the 1818 pandemic,

Asiatic cholera,

Beginning near the city of Calcutta

Spread through South and Southeast Asia, the Near East, eastern Africa, and the Mediterranean coast,


Prometheus in Greek mythology is a Titan.

His name means “fore thinker.”

In lore, he’s credited with creating mortals and against the gods’ will, giving us fire.

The punishment for this affront by Zeus was the creation of Pandora.

Meeting Epimetheus (hindsight), he fell in love with her, despite Prometheus’ warnings.

She is famous for the box unleashing evils, hard work, and disease on the face of the earth.


Liz Cheney would have to admit,

She and her father had a hand in causing,

The conditions leading to the Capitol insurrection on January 6,


But that would take an admission,

Heretofore unrepresented,

In Republicans elected to office:

Before Prometheus’ [fore] thinking vision,

Avoiding this current dystopian blowback division,

Before 20/20, a specific vision was a prerequisite: hindsight.

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