Sunday, July 19, 2020


(Prophets of Eternal Truths)
© 9 July 2020, the Griot Poet

The Russian asset
Has his assignment
On encrypted lines between D.C. and Moscow
With no official readout:

Kill as many Americans
As you can
Using a zoologically transmitted pathogen in a pandemic,
Fan flames of racial hatred
Allowing structural inequalities
To target the old, people of color; the poor
And some young
Eugenics born on these shores,
Eliminates those judged
Unfit and feeble;

Coronavirus mutates
Like a determined hoard of demons
Bent on possession of bodies
Like incubus and succubus fairies
Not for sex: but conquest.

Democracies are like dominoes:
Pushover the first, prominent one
And the rest will go
With the inevitable flow
Of potential-to-kinetic energy

It isn’t genetic engineering
That brings on this destruction:
Just designed negligence
By Putin’s puppet,
Performance artist
Acting like a billionaire
On The Apprentice;
Performing public
Political fellatio
On a tyrant
That is secretly the richest man
Since Mansa Musa and Solomon;
Ignoring $100,000
Bounties on U.S. service members
In Afghanistan,
That tyrant has promised said fellatio artist
Wealth beyond the dreams
Of avarice,

It’s simple
When you see the pattern,
“The Case Against Donald Trump”
And now his niece
Dr. Mary Trump warns us
He’s beyond a DSM-5
“Mere narcissist”:

Another colleague admits
On a “Last Word” Lawrence O’Donnell segment said
The only description
That fits him: evil.

What then, does that make
The evangelicals racists and xenophobic
Who follows him?

Every malevolent political figure
From Napoleon, Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler, Mao;
And now recently, Reagan, Pappy, Clinton, W, and Obama
Have gotten the label: Antichrist.

We just forgot
In our prophetic mission
Such malevolence
Necessitates: anti-Christians!

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