Thursday, November 08, 2012

It's Time To Call It What It Is...

My previous posting on "Cognitive Dissonance" was rather wonkish to say the least; clever if I do say so myself, but this is raw hatred bred deeply in our classmates, coworkers, church members, bowling partners, fantasy league members and in general cousins in the human species bones. It's beyond class warfare or a war on women's rights. It's deeper; darker: uglier and more dangerous.

Never mind that human life originated in Africa; that the oldest known footprints of Homo Erectus happens to have been found in Kenya. It makes us all African, this expressed malady over class, place and pigmentation a form of melanin-envy and self-loathing.

Never mind that hate is not an election-winning strategy and that Karl Rove waisted a lot of billionaire's money trying to throw the election from "We the People" to the oligarchs.

We worship money. The free market is god (small g), and like the law of gravity and the ten commandments cannot be altered in anyway that might be beneficial to the rest of us. We apotheosized it in prosperity gospel ministry, which is expressed in the Bible, but wrongly applied by certain operatives, thereby leaving the faith community impotent to critique greed and avarice when they see it: since many of the wrong applicants practice it.

We're supposedly divided between "makers and takers" and the self-labled makers seem to have no problem taking another tax cut. Their recipe for job creation has so far equaled Marie Antoinette's famously attributed comment (actually by Maria Theresa 100 years before in Spain): "let them eat cake." There is no room at the oligarch's Inns, mansions or dinner tables.

We're headed for the so-called (and poorly named by Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke) fiscal cliff with the same recalcitrant players in the House of Representative that really represent the 1% aforementioned that wasted their investment on "Turd Blossom's" political acumen and math skills.

Joel Osteen believed Mitt Romney to be a Christian despite decades of demonization from evangelical groups that suddenly out of political expediency decided they were not.

THIS IS A MENTAL DISORDER: on the day Jared Lee Loughner was sentenced to 7 consecutive life sentences plus 140 years (geez), we'd be mindful that this information age may be overloading weaker minds. Thus, birth certificates in short or long form; Harvard transcripts and passports demanded by bloviating reality-show hosts that could spend $50 on a good toupee versus 5 million on an empty stunt are irrelevant when you've already a made-up mind that what facts don't agree with your skewed worldview will be judged false.

I'm not saying the shootings in Arizona were racially motivated, but the so-called "End of Days" comes once again 21 December 2012 -- which is correctly the winter solstice. I for one, am not going to be in public places nor am I going to Times Square in NYC to ring in 2013.

And don't worry: once this one dawns, sunsets and 22 December happens: they'll find another thing to fear and dread. Which only makes me fear and dread their reactions to an ever-changing demographic.

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