© 10 September 2011, The Griot Poet
We neglect the prophecies of fur coated wild men
eating honey, crickets and bees, voices calling
in the wilderness, modern day seers created by
Theodore Geisel1 east of Who-ville
called “The Lorax,” whose command of scientific
environmental facts did not once impress Once-ler
oligarchs bent on harvesting Truffula trees and
other commodities,
Enriching his Grinch-looking family members who
could not remember a sunrise without “smog-shine,”
I am inclined to believe that Frank Drake’s equation2
looking for SETI was statistical prophecy when so-called
civilizations become dumbed down by their own technology –
their ability to change their environment and enrich their
pockets with other people’s money leaving their economies
wrecked while their planets tear themselves apart with
and tsunamis?
Is anybody out there?
Maybe flying saucers only exist as Frisbees in parks for
overweight kids using diabetic syringes to keep them alive
after a rousing day of video gaming addiction instead of
playing...oh! I forgot: smog-shine alert!
Stay in all day.
Don’t go out to play.
Text mommy cause you’re bored.
Be afraid!
Pedophiles, underground sex market slavers may steal your
child...does anyone remember when we had a Star Trek/Jetson
HOPE for the future?
Does anyone remember when you went outside to play...ALL day...
in smog free sunshine and played in water from lead free fire
hydrants? Our memories have been supplanted by million player
online realities, avatars and virtual lives we’re caught up in:
Deux ex machina, god out of the machine...
warned about by Quintus Horatius Flaccus (A.K.A. Horace, Roman Poet)
in Ars Poetica, programmed in the 21st Century by Horus
of the “all seeing eye” $1 bill at the 1% apex of the pyramid
oligarchy owning ninety-nine percent of the wealth, and he can’t
stand it when you’re either too poor to pay for your “fix” or actually
pick up a real BOOK, READ it and UNDERSTAND it!
And, if you happen to be a Harvard Law school graduate, in the south
you might be considered “uppity.”
Because the Ministry of Truth of cable news can’t have you using that
fatty, grey tissue between your ears: you may want rights, life,
liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Hell, they gave you flat telescreens above your wall mantles and
charging cell phone cellblocks on your laptop sockets:
“where’s the beef?”
If we had warp drive,
we’d arrive at distant worlds to find husks and dust bowls like
Mars with remnants of seas.
The small number of smart “Little Green Men” bypass our oasis of greed.
Maybe the cloud the Lorax lifted himself through was a wormhole that
tunneled an Einstein-Rosen Bifrost bridge to some other parallel reality
and sanity
were the only prevalent currencies!
1. Theodore Geisel = Dr. Seuss.
2. Drake Equation: R* fp ne fl fi fe L
a. N = the number of civilizations in our galaxy with which communication might be possible;
b. R* = the average rate of star formation per year in our galaxy
c. fp = the fraction of those stars that have planets
d. ne = the average number of planets that can potentially support life per star that has planets
e. fℓ = the fraction of the above that actually go on to develop life at some point
f. fi = the fraction of the above that actually go on to develop intelligent life
g. fe = the fraction of civilizations that develop a technology that releases detectable signs of their existence into space
h. L = the length of time for which such civilizations release detectable signals into space.
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