Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Open Letter to Anonymous

Dear sir or madam:

I'm afraid is the type of web site that is constructed to appease one's brused ego.

The web sites I'd refer you to are the following:

Also, look at the following:

I can find patent 147,363 dated February 10, 1874 belonging to:

I found the patent search tool, sir or madam, from your web site's bibliography.

It's interesting and sad: I typically don't get responses to my postings. However, I take umbrage to being called a racist. In my experience, racism takes a certain amount of authority and power, like the kind that hung my grandfather for the crime of being a teacher: it seems reading was a criminal, revolutionary act in South Carolina at the time. You should try it sometimes.

The fact of history is that it has always been written by the victors. You may have your opinions sir or madam and I may have mine. This is after all, a country of laws, not of men. And the law we both have access to as Americans is the First Amendment.

Sincerely non racist,

The Griot Poet

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