Wednesday, January 10, 2007


© 9 January 2007, The Griot Poet

Forgive me.
I am usually not so salacious,
I mean to be efficacious.

I feel time is short
and we have graciously been given
tick-tocks on a winding-down clock...
time is of the essence!


The only surge he understands is the warm feeling he gets and self-initiates behind the Oval Office desk with the “five fingers of funk!”

He and his VEEP were both too PUNK to go serve when it was their turn as young men in another needless war – Vietnam – started by another Texas President!

The little creep as the current White House resident (the 2000 election BOGUS) protected the Houston skies and Go-Go bars from the Viet Cong in the rich-boy-hide-my-baby-from-the-war “Champaign Unit.”

The little Troglodyte behind the scenes, Mr. Cheney had “other priorities” logging five deferments rather than answering the “call of duty” to his country.

And neither man would DARE commit their own daughters on the front line at this or any time: whether you call it a Civil War or not, no sane person consciously puts their children in a meat grinder!

655,000 plus Iraqis dead… 3,000 plus soldiers dead… deploying 21,000 more…

THIS is supposed to even the score, despite the imminent judgment of Dr. Hans Blix that Iraq’s capability could not be, nor their hidden weapons a reality?

We went from “weapons of mass destruction” to “Saddam and al-Qaeda” collusions to “democratizing Iraq” at gunpoint.

The “cheer-leader-in-chief’s” cheerleading squad consisting of:

Billy “Boom-Boom” Krystal;
Mike “Gangsta-lean” Leeden;
Charles “The Grinch” Krauthammer;
Peggy “won’t-reveal-the-source-of-the-Valerie-Plame-leak” Noonan

Of the
American Enterprise Institute,
Washington Post
And the New York Times respectively

Helped build this president’s neo conservative legacy

Their previous hawkish stances rapidly!

We ran herd to hang Saddam for 148 because we could not tolerate being associated with the deaths of 180,000 PLUS Kurds for which we sold Saddam chemical supplies in the “me-centered” 1980s!

This IS a crime against humanity for which WE are guilty!

The only surge he understands is the warm feeling he gets and self-initiates behind the Oval Office desk with the “five fingers of funk!”

Whether called: “surge,” “plus-up,” “SWELLIFY” or “VIAGRIFICATION,”

His speech is a neo conservative oblation uninhibited by reality, hanging on the faith-based megalomaniac fantasies…

…Of a dry drunk!


GriotPoet said...

It’s Hot!

Sherri H. Benn, PhD
Assist Vice President for Student Affairs/ Director of Multicultural Student Affairs
Texas State University

GriotPoet said...

you hit'er too hard...

That's what's up...

GriotPoet said...

THANK YOU for truth!
and for inclusion of the James Brown tribute poem
with great respect!Thom 08