Monday, December 21, 2009
A Ton of Bricks... an apparent deal has been reached in the health care debate, one that probably won't look like the one Independents and Progressives voted for last November.
I asked myself: "Why?"
What follows is admittedly, a "Conspiracy Theory." I am postulating something I have no data on, no research, etc. I am just applying common sense and putting it in the public record (this blog) to invite comment.
"Why?" The answer: "The body politic."
The health care debate has put in plain sight the fact that Republicans and so-called "Blue Dog/Conservative" Democrats are in the pockets of the health care industry (an oxymoron) for campaign donations. They therefore, serve their masters (the true body politic), not us.
That means: if you're conservative, you can have eight years of Reagan, four years of Bush the Elder, eight more years of Bush the junior, sandwiching 18 years around 8 years of Clinton and NOT eliminate abortion rights in the United States...because they can't.
The Supreme Court decided Brown versus Board of Education on a 9 - 0 vote. Eisenhower sent troops to Arkansas not because he LOVED black people: it was the law.
As much as anti-abortion has become the "litmus test" of conservatives, a shred of common sense would say it's a push-button to get people to vote their way without doing anything about their concerns.
Bush the junior supported Roe vs. Wade not because he believed in's the law.
If a lower court were to argue successfully to the Supreme Court, still with its 5 - 4 Conservative Majority, Roe vs. Wade would be overturned as far as federal support.
President Obama would probably have his misgivings, but he'd have to support their decision nonetheless.
Then it gets complicated: it would go to each state's Supreme Court for a decision that conservatives have always championed: "states rights." Some would opt to continue abortion; some (like Utah, I'd expect) would not.
Back to health care reform: a lot of Independents and Progressives are outraged at the Democratic Party and the President for not using their majority in the House and the Senate to pass some muscular legislation that Republicans would do - moderate and conservative - in lock-step with each other.
Why are the Democrats taking the risk of losing so huge in November 2010 and 2012 when they won so huge in 2006 and 2008?
Answer: neither party are hurting for jobs.
Harold Ford (Democrat) was defeated for reelection to his congressional seat in Tennessee: he's an MSNBC political commentator. Pat Buchanan ran for the Republican presidential nomination: he's an MSNBC political commentator.
Abortion (both parties - for/against); War (both parties - for/against); the Economy (both parties - don't have a clue): these are water cooler conversations we have at work. We get sidetracked by these conversations that don't put a DIME in our pockets or JOBS in our country. It's bait-and-switch: the parties "change," but the outcome for industry stays the same. Do you think Big Insurance is paying 1.4 million a day to lobbyist and sponsoring the buses for the anti-health care reform lose?
Yaphet Kotto said in the movie "Blue Collar" (1978): [Smokey James] "They'll do anything to keep you on their line. They pit the lifers against the new boys, the old against the young, the black against the white - ANYTHING."
Each party's members want desperately to hold onto their offices because they get a healthy retirement for LIFE and a cost-of-living adjustment:; President Obama's not going to be hurting either, whether he completes his presidency in 2012 or 2016:
If the Democrats truly are swept out of office in the midterms and general election, they'll wind up working as "consultants" for some of the very entities: Pharmaceutical and Insurance - they were voted in to "oppose."
And, of course, they can always resurface on CNN, FOX and MSNBC as...
(WELL paid) political commentators!
It came to him quite by accident.
Rocketed from the heavens
On a bolt of lightening,
It hit the branch of a dead tree in an otherwise barren field.
His was a “fools courage” that allowed him to pick it up.
He soon became chieftain.
He used it to drive the Moors from Europe and raze the Holy Lands of the Moslem infidels.
He used it to destroy the Mayas during the Spanish conquest, erasing a once great history.
He used it to conquer the Native Americans and drive them from their rightful lands.
He used it to rape the continent of Africa, siring Mulatto children in the New World.
All the while, masking his noble ambitions as “God’s Will.”
His IS a fools courage.
The fire is electronic;
Poised to destroy worlds at a press of a button
To ensure his status as chieftain.
“And Caesar’s spirit, ranging for revenge,
“With Ate by his side come hot from hell
“Shall in these confines with a monarch’s voice
“Cry Havoc - and let slip the dogs of war
“That this foul deed shall smell above the earth
“With carrion men groaning for burial.”
Julius Caesar, Act II, Scene I. The end of Mark Anthony’s soliloquy.
Monday, December 07, 2009
Kinder, Gentler
“Well I am moved. I want a kinder and gentler nation.” George Herbert Walker Bush said in his elation as his acceptance address at the RNC in 1988,
How does this relate to Willie Horton and now the “chickens coming home to roost” with Arkansas Governor Mike Huck-a-buck?
Benign: etymology: Anglo-French, “of a gentle disposition,” “of a mild type or character that does not threaten health or life” (e.g. benign tumor).
Benign tumors are usually removed from the host body before becoming rancid and…cancerous using drive-by chemicals HMOs infuse.
We live in a benign fascism, accepting exported barbarism from our shores done in our name, purposely averting our eyes and our turning backs to attacks on others’ homelands that we would not stand for on our own.
It was our sins in Eden that raised the ire of Osama and gave recruiting fodder to Al Qaeda, the estimated killing of 1.5 million children in Iraq due to carpet bombing in “no fly zones” (not by Bush II, but by Bill Clinton).
In comedy clubs, one attempts not to gain the attention of the craftsman on stage, otherwise you become the fodder for their freestyle material as they serially slay you in effigy for your own momentary lapse into stupidity.
We define left and right as if we have a choice of the course guided by the wings of a global, corporate Moloch, all-seeing wise guy owl sacrificing children on funeral pyres in “cremations of care.”
We live in a benign fascism, accepting exported barbarism from our shores done in our name, purposely averting our eyes and our turning backs to attacks on others’ homelands that we would not stand for on our own.
Like we did so express when we lost 3,000 souls on 9/11.
For a moment, we came together, not realizing the benign tumor was now rancid and at the point of…breaking.
We spent ourselves into a deficit before September the 10th, the attack icing on a bloody cake.
What was at stake was “civilization itself” an old warrior quaked even before his deplorable display at the United Nations.
We live in a benign fascism, accepting exported barbarism from our shores done in our name, Iraq, Iran or Afghanistan because revolutions and revolutionaries are not “comfortable.”
We stare at interactive “boob tubes,” equipped with keyboard, mouse, booming speakers and Internet access: populating FACEBOOK, MYSPACE, Twitter and YOUTUBE with information gathered on massive Cray computer databases detecting threat patterns to protect the global whore of Babylon system… from ourselves.
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Father to Son
Son: I could quote Langston Hughes and tell you “Life ain’t no crystal stair,” (so cliché), and by the way, the squiggly line that automatically infused by Microsoft Word under the colloquialism and urban English, I might be remiss not to correct my sentence.
Yet, that does not change your situation that you seem to run into each and every day you strive to achieve the prize that God has for you. And every level you conquer, there is another that wants you to QUIT.
It wants you to give up, go away, accept mediocrity, nap, pity your circumstance, let some man/woman/system/institution define and demand what you are.
I could run to your rescue and baby you, get in someone’s face and defend you, yet… it was stress that caused you to go from rolling/to crawling/to bouncing/to standing and taking your first steps.
You fell when you tried to ride a bike. You fell when you first tried to skateboard. You failed to make your first basketball team in middle school. You failed at your first karate break. You have since mastered all of this!
I could protect you from the forces that will label you “threat,” “mugger,” “rapist”; “n----r.” Yet, these were the same forces that made your Aunt Mamie march in the streets and brave fire hoses, police dogs and beatings. She survived.
And when the Apostle Paul asked God to remove the splinter from his side, Omnipotent’s reply was: “My grace is sufficient for you, for MY strength is made perfect in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9)
And you have dedicated hours and hours of study with people you could not have probably met had God not been in your corner – Luther “Ticky” Burden, Richard McMullen, Marquette Wilkins – for He is Pro-video/provider, the One who “pre sees” your needs before you do.
I could minister to you and quote scripture from the ONE who made you, and remind you your name exemplifies your purpose on this earth “God has given.” So, let’s do some IMAGINEERING, as coined by Disney – a fitting job description for creating a park of fantasies:
You could get recruited by a D1 school before May (or in the summer in AAU after June);
You could get recruited by a D2 or D3 school and still make history in the Cedar Park city as the FIRST to do so.
You could one day play for the NBA… or OWN a team of your own.
You could be a walk on and defy the expectations others have tried to label you with.
You could triumphantly (as I), go back to where you were despised and say: “see, I did it, despite you.” Living well is truly the best revenge.
No son, as Langston said in his poem “Mother to Son”: life ain’t no crystal stair.
But as long as I’m alive, from your first breath to my last, know that I’ll do my best to represent God in the earth and be there for you… I love you.
Saturday, December 05, 2009
Holiday in Afghanistan
and while we are there-take some holiday pix-
of civilians handcuffed to bars being struck with rifles
while post-traumatic stressed soldiers bomb wedding parties
Maybe we will in-curse into beautiful Pakistan
fly in on a drone with a camera in its nosecone
and bomb people in their houses
Perhaps we can cross borders undercover
in that phantom zone where guerrillas meet
In caves near Tora Bora, where the bones of Osama
are splattered beneath 500 lb bunker busters
We have the freedom to invade for no reason
send more troops in like those before us-
British, Russians-both of whom lost
They withdrew when their overseas jaunt grew deadly
They imported their weapons back to their front line homelands
Now we have terror bombs going off in Britain
when all the bombs we sent out overseas
want to come back home
to deal like our National Guard with New Orleans
Ruby Ridge, Waco, Oklahoma City
so we might never have to worry about terror again
we exported it(it returned to us!)
now we holiday at home(nervously)
Take off our shoes and belts and laughter on airplanes
and try not to remember when
we were free to holiday in foreign lands.
Without fear or favor/greeted as saviors
now no longer the flavor of the month
and all our dollars turn to Yuan.
and we cannot afford even to live at home.
WE ARE CIVILIANS! on December 1,2009
© 5 December 2009, the Griot Poet
we voted for change...
other than melanin, we get more of the same
clap trap gunboat diplomacy
encouraged by those less evolved than
intellectuals, scientists, poets, prophets...
ditto heads, hockey moms, birthers, deathers...
volume transcends reason
past summer "tea bag rallies" and
in this Yuletide season they shout:
"I want my country back!"
When the sad news is... it has never been.
Democracy is a dream we've lacked for a long, long time
that disappeared when the first robber barrons
used lawyers to interpret the 14th Amendment
to give person-hood to ex-slaves
for themselves
isn't it so self-evident-obvious?
which has more influence over our so-called politicians than votes
which is why health care reform is not a "no brainer"
but, a shouting match joke
invoked by insurance companies (busing in roughnecks) that require us to carry same
and blame the person
seeking care
for continuation of
their lives and welfare
of defrauding a system
they set up only
for maximum profit.
but, I digress...
in a country that broke ground on a "creation museum"
instead of planetariums
or presidential libraries
for C+ students-cum-motivation-speaker ex presidents that left us with a massive deficit…
brains are what we're lacking!
Friday, December 04, 2009
It is called a “deluxe water ball assistant,” ninety-nine cents; “Made in China.”
It is a holiday scene suspended in liquid medium under an inverted aquarium. Solid figurines attached vertically to a horizontal faux base floor.
The only thing animated in clear, pristine silence are white faux snowflakes animated by shaking the bubble and letting each flake fall gently on the mannequins and the floor within.
So are our worshiped “American Idols”:
“Oh! If I could just touch a hem of his garment”; a lock of his hair/DNA sample/YOUTUBE unauthorized video performing God-knows-what (in the nude).
So are our worshiped “American Idols”:
Pop stars like:
- Lindsey Lohan;
- Britney Spears;
- Todd Bridges;
- Michael Jackson…
Politicians like:
- Mark Sanford;
- John Edwards;
- John Ensign;
- Bill Clinton…
Sports figures like:
- Dennis Rodman;
- Michael Jordon;
- Kobe Bryant;
- Tiger Woods…
We insist they behave in our preconceived parameters of their caricatures in our minds.
We participate like paparazzi vultures with the 4th estate in yellow journalism, hypocritically scripting their lives (and not our own).
We do not appreciate the blessing and gift of walking into a mart, a mall; a grocery store without thought of where our security detail is because we might get MAULED (or our lives threatened/our reputations blackmailed).
We assail them as we shake their bubbles.
Eventually we shake…
And shake…
And shake…
Until lateral forces starts a quake in the very structure of the mannequins’ unsteady base. Micro cracks and fissures appear at the microscopic level and manifest macroscopically in listing one side or the other, then eventually: both – sometimes all at once.
The cracks get larger until…
The figurine teeters and falls, like the flake, acceleration due to gravity cushioned by the viscous fluid as it falls gently to the faux floor.
Since we can’t reach into their watery other world,
Where other rules of physics and reality apply to affect repairs:
We shrug!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Beware of Pleasant-Sounding Bumper Stickers...
You'll see tea bag crowds touting these bumper stickers and the catch phrase: "Pray for the President" or "Pray for Obama."
Here's what Psalms 109:8 (and 9) says:
"Let his days be few, [And] let another take his office.
"Let his children be fatherless, And his wife a widow."
Who could have the nerve to use these verses out of context and call themselves CHRISTIAN?
I'm tired. Tired of the way the Bible is twisted to beat over the heads of the people and manipulate the weak-minded among us.
How is this any different than Al Qaeda or the Taliban twisting the Koran to justify murder?
In verse 3: "They have also surrounded me with words of hatred, And fought against me without a cause."
This is the mental state of the tea bag fringe that feel they've "lost their country," or their vaulted place in the pecking social order (don't give me money or a job: just make me feel superior).
Sarah-"Going-Rogue"-Palin manipulates this to great effect at her rallies after she repeated the lies:
"Obama doesn't live in our kind of America." (paraphrased)
"He palls around with terrorist." (at EIGHT?)
...and never once challenged anyone that said "terrorist"; "kill him."
This is a recipe for assassination, JUSTIFIED by the Bible out-of-context.
Please note:
Protect President Obama from Right-Wing Menace
"30 death threats a day..."
"400% increase in threats from President Bush..."
"We have half the number of agents we need, but requests for more agents have fallen on deaf ears at headquarters,"
This is a long haul campaign. It didn't end on November 4, 2008. It won't end until the country is repaired from the damage of the last 8 years; Obama winning a 2nd Nobel Peace Prize and he, Michelle, Malia and Sasha SAFELY back home in Chicago in 2016.
Speaking of the Bible, when they throw you Psalms 109:8 - 9, hit them with this:
"Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence."
1 Timothy 2: 1 - 2
Grace, Peace and ACTIVISM!
Friday, October 02, 2009
Facebook Collab with Drake Jibril Eszes: "Tonight"
“Tonight” (A “Quickie” Poem)
Sudden winds of change
Envelop me
Like a hibernating bear’s arms
Snuggling her cubs
Love’s discovery
Cut strangely
By scissors
Held by Umbilical cords’ revenge
Unprecedented silence
Speaks louder
Than love
Ever confessed
Now I sit here
Pastime scars
Testifying uplifting lessons
Band aids on this open wound
How could something so real end so fast?
This chapter I’ve already read
365 days ago
Thought I put it in my
Epilogue of discontent
But, tonight
My scars of love
Will speak mental voo-doo tones
Commencing last laughs chant
As they lock eyes
With their penis role-model
My vulnerable words
As they position nakedness
Above his
Fulfilling his dreams
Blindness will be your karma
For this moment you fulfill
Things will not be
What it seems
Drake Jibril Eszes
TGP's Quickie response:
Above the storms of life
after I've Spoken Words:
"peace, be still"
to the crashing waves above
my common sense
when you ended it
your eyes cut through
my masculinity like
Ginsu knives
on my male genitalia.
My source of testosterone
dropping to the floor
like Samson's locks
and Delila mocks me
paid by Philistines
and I was blinded
to her treachery
by her sheer beauty
and gorgeous pouting
that melted me like butter...
I shudder
first against millstones
grinding wheat,
gathering my strength
my hair reappearing
(but not my sight)
then against columns to Dagon
mocked openly by three thousand souls...
"Fulfilling MY dreams
"Blindness will be YOUR karma
For this moment *I* fulfill
Things will not be
What they seem..."
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
A Choice of Totalitarianism
Bush was compared to Hitler: Bush as Hitler. Now, Obama is compared to Hitler: Obama as Hitler.
Perot was initially blamed for costing George Herbert Walker Bush votes in the ’92 election; Nader blamed for Gore’s loss in 2000.
When Karl Rove wanted to foster a “permanent Republican majority,” for those with that philosophy, it was heaven on earth. However, the rants from the right stem from the thought of being in the political wilderness and PREDICTIONS they’ll be in the political wilderness: 40 More Years: How the Democrats Will Rule the Next Generation.
What is this?
I call it: “A Choice of Totalitarianism.”
Totalitarianism: 1: centralized control by an autocratic authority; 2: the political concept that the citizen should be totally subject to an absolute state authority
Autocrat: 1: a person (as a monarch) ruling with unlimited authority; 2: one who has undisputed influence or power
A “two-party system” is synonymous to describing the universe in more than three spatial dimensions (the fourth being time, possibly eleven or MORE theoretically in String or now M Theory): we conceive the political universe as ONLY two parties and allow corporate interests to influence both to their wishes. Corporations, if “persons” have been personified as psychopaths. Thus, we can’t have a reasonable debate about health care; we can’t pull out of wars that drive up the national debt; we can’t possibly foster the education and jobs for people in this country; we can’t discuss how to get the Third World out of debt (and thereby take away a trump card for terrorist recruiting); we can’t balance the budget and give our children a debt-free future.
Alas, Steven Covey: there is no “win-win” scenario. We are in a “winner-take-all” system that the other side will always be the “sore loser” and claw, scratch, defame, heckle, humiliate, denounce, disrespect the leader of the other side until they return to power. Then the cycle of absurdity repeats itself as the rich 1 – 2% gets richer and pulls the strings of “AstroTurf free speech exercises in futility.”
I will be a good Malthusian slave… as long as my side “wins.”
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Prepared Remarks of President Barack Obama, Back to School Event
As I format this, I am preparing to read this address to my seventeen year old son: his district, has opted NOT to show the broadcast in his government class. I am woefully disappointed in that decision as a parent and taxpayer. The precedent for this address has been set by President Reagan, President George H.W. Bush and President George W. Bush on 9/11. I believe the Office of the President must be respected by citizen, veteran or soldier alike, no matter who or what party occupies it.
The President: Hello everyone hows everybody doing today? I'm here with students at Wakefield High School in Arlington, Virginia. And we've got students tuning in from all across America, kindergarten through twelfth grade. I'm glad you all could join us today.
I know that for many of you, today is the first day of school. And for those of you in kindergarten, or starting middle or high school, its your first day in a new school, so its understandable if you're a little nervous. I imagine there are some seniors out there who are feeling pretty good right now, with just one more year to go. And no matter what grade you're in, some of you are probably wishing it were still summer and you could've stayed in bed just a little longer this morning.
I know that feeling. When I was young, my family lived in Indonesia for a few years, and my mother didn't have the money to send me where all the American kids went to school. So she decided to teach me extra lessons herself, Monday through Friday at 4:30 in the morning.
Now I wasn't too happy about getting up that early. A lot of times, Id fall asleep right there at the kitchen table. But whenever Id complain, my mother would just give me one of those looks and say, "This is no picnic for me either, buster."
So I know some of you are still adjusting to being back at school. But I'm here today because I have something important to discuss with you. I'm here because I want to talk with you about your education and whats expected of all of you in this new school year.
Now Ive given a lot of speeches about education. And I've talked a lot about responsibility.
I've talked about your teachers responsibility for inspiring you, and pushing you to learn.
I've talked about your parents responsibility for making sure you stay on track, and get your homework done, and don't spend every waking hour in front of the TV or with that Xbox.
I've talked a lot about your governments responsibility for setting high standards, supporting teachers and principals, and turning around schools that aren't working where students aren't getting the opportunities they deserve.
But at the end of the day, we can have the most dedicated teachers, the most supportive parents, and the best schools in the world and none of it will matter unless all of you fulfill your responsibilities. Unless you show up to those schools; pay attention to those teachers; listen to your parents, grandparents and other adults; and put in the hard work it takes to succeed. And that's what I want to focus on today: the responsibility each of you has for your education. I want to start with the responsibility you have to yourself.
Every single one of you has something you're good at. Every single one of you has something to offer. And you have a responsibility to yourself to discover what that is. That's the opportunity an education can provide.
Maybe you could be a good writer maybe even good enough to write a book or articles in a newspaper but you might not know it until you write a paper for your English class. Maybe you could be an innovator or an inventor maybe even good enough to come up with the next iPhone or a new medicine or vaccine but you might not know it until you do a project for your science class. Maybe you could be a mayor or a Senator or a Supreme Court Justice, but you might not know that until you join student government or the debate team.
And no matter what you want to do with your life I guarantee that you'll need an education to do it. You want to be a doctor, or a teacher, or a police officer? You want to be a nurse or an architect, a lawyer or a member of our military? You're going to need a good education for every single one of those careers. You cant drop out of school and just drop into a good job. You've got to work for it and train for it and learn for it.
And this isn't just important for your own life and your own future. What you make of your education will decide nothing less than the future of this country. What you're learning in school today will determine whether we as a nation can meet our greatest challenges in the future.
You'll need the knowledge and problem-solving skills you learn in science and math to cure diseases like cancer and AIDS, and to develop new energy technologies and protect our environment. You'll need the insights and critical thinking skills you gain in history and social studies to fight poverty and homelessness, crime and discrimination, and make our nation more fair and more free. You'll need the creativity and ingenuity you develop in all your classes to build new companies that will create new jobs and boost our economy.
We need every single one of you to develop your talents, skills and intellect so you can help solve our most difficult problems. If you don't do that if you quit on school you're not just quitting on yourself, you're quitting on your country.
Now I know its not always easy to do well in school. I know a lot of you have challenges in your lives right now that can make it hard to focus on your schoolwork.
I get it. I know what that's like. My father left my family when I was two years old, and I was raised by a single mother who struggled at times to pay the bills and wasn't always able to give us things the other kids had. There were times when I missed having a father in my life. There were times when I was lonely and felt like I didn't fit in.
So I wasn't always as focused as I should have been. I did some things I'm not proud of, and got in more trouble than I should have. And my life could have easily taken a turn for the worse.
But I was fortunate. I got a lot of second chances and had the opportunity to go to college, and law school, and follow my dreams. My wife, our First Lady Michelle Obama, has a similar story. Neither of her parents had gone to college, and they didn't have much. But they worked hard, and she worked hard, so that she could go to the best schools in this country.
Some of you might not have those advantages. Maybe you don't have adults in your life who give you the support that you need. Maybe someone in your family has lost their job, and there's not enough money to go around. Maybe you live in a neighborhood where you don't feel safe, or have friends who are pressuring you to do things you know aren't right.
But at the end of the day, the circumstances of your life what you look like, where you come from, how much money you have, what you've got going on at home that's no excuse for neglecting your homework or having a bad attitude. That's no excuse for talking back to your teacher, or cutting class, or dropping out of school. That's no excuse for not trying.
Where you are right now doesn't have to determine where you'll end up. No ones written your destiny for you. Here in America, you write your own destiny. You make your own future.
That's what young people like you are doing every day, all across America. Young people like Jazmin Perez, from Roma, Texas. Jazmin didn't speak English when she first started school. Hardly anyone in her hometown went to college, and neither of her parents had gone either. But she worked hard, earned good grades, got a scholarship to Brown University, and is now in graduate school, studying public health, on her way to being Dr. Jazmin Perez.
I'm thinking about Andoni Schultz, from Los Altos, California, who's fought brain cancer since he was three. He's endured all sorts of treatments and surgeries, one of which affected his memory, so it took him much longer hundreds of extra hours to do his schoolwork. But he never fell behind, and hes headed to college this fall.
And then there's Shantell Steve, from my hometown of Chicago, Illinois. Even when bouncing from foster home to foster home in the toughest neighborhoods, she managed to get a job at a local health center; start a program to keep young people out of gangs; and shes on track to graduate high school with honors and go on to college.
Jazmin, Andoni and Shantell aren't any different from any of you. They faced challenges in their lives just like you do. But they refused to give up. They chose to take responsibility for their education and set goals for themselves. And I expect all of you to do the same.
That's why today, I'm calling on each of you to set your own goals for your education and to do everything you can to meet them. Your goal can be something as simple as doing all your homework, paying attention in class, or spending time each day reading a book. Maybe you'll decide to get involved in an extracurricular activity, or volunteer in your community. Maybe you'll decide to stand up for kids who are being teased or bullied because of who they are or how they look, because you believe, like I do, that all kids deserve a safe environment to study and learn. Maybe you'll decide to take better care of yourself so you can be more ready to learn. And along those lines, I hope you'll all wash your hands a lot, and stay home from school when you don't feel well, so we can keep people from getting the flu this fall and winter.
Whatever you resolve to do, I want you to commit to it. I want you to really work at it.
I know that sometimes, you get the sense from TV that you can be rich and successful without any hard work -- that your ticket to success is through rapping or basketball or being a reality TV star, when chances are, you're not going to be any of those things.
But the truth is, being successful is hard. You wont love every subject you study. You wont click with every teacher. Not every homework assignment will seem completely relevant to your life right this minute. And you wont necessarily succeed at everything the first time you try.
That's OK. Some of the most successful people in the world are the ones who've had the most failures. JK Rowlings first Harry Potter book was rejected twelve times before it was finally published. Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team, and he lost hundreds of games and missed thousands of shots during his career. But he once said, "I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed."
These people succeeded because they understand that you cant let your failures define you you have to let them teach you. You have to let them show you what to do differently next time. If you get in trouble, that doesn't mean you're a troublemaker, it means you need to try harder to behave. If you get a bad grade, that doesn't mean you're stupid, it just means you need to spend more time studying.
No ones born being good at things; you become good at things through hard work. You're not a varsity athlete the first time you play a new sport. You don't hit every note the first time you sing a song. You've got to practice. Its the same with your schoolwork. You might have to do a math problem a few times before you get it right, or read something a few times before you understand it, or do a few drafts of a paper before its good enough to hand in.
Don't be afraid to ask questions. Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. I do that every day. Asking for help isn't a sign of weakness; its a sign of strength. It shows you have the courage to admit when you don't know something, and to learn something new. So find an adult you trust a parent, grandparent or teacher; a coach or counselor and ask them to help you stay on track to meet your goals.
And even when you're struggling, even when you're discouraged, and you feel like other people have given up on you don't ever give up on yourself. Because when you give up on yourself, you give up on your country.
The story of America isn't about people who quit when things got tough. Its about people who kept going, who tried harder, who loved their country too much to do anything less than their best.
Its the story of students, who sat where you sit 250 years ago, and went on to wage a revolution and found this nation. Students who sat where you sit 75 years ago who overcame a Depression and won a world war; who fought for civil rights and put a man on the moon. Students who sat where you sit 20 years ago who founded Google, Twitter and Facebook and changed the way we communicate with each other.
So today, I want to ask you, whats your contribution going to be? What problems are you going to solve? What discoveries will you make? What will a president who comes here in twenty or fifty or one hundred years say about what all of you did for this country?
Your families, your teachers, and I are doing everything we can to make sure you have the education you need to answer these questions. I'm working hard to fix up your classrooms and get you the books, equipment and computers you need to learn. But you've got to do your part too. So I expect you to get serious this year. I expect you to put your best effort into everything you do. I expect great things from each of you. So don't let us down, don't let your family, or your country or yourself down. Make us all proud. I know you can do it.
Thank you, God bless you, and God bless America.
Friday, September 04, 2009
Obama’s not the first president to address nation’s schoolchildren on live television
For those that are concerned: the text of the presentation will be released Monday, yet schools in various states (sadly, Texas being one) are either not going to allow the broadcast, or parents in those states are going to keep their children from school.
It reminds me of the lessons our kids are supposed to learn from playing organized sports: "you can't win them all"; "be a good sport." Sadly, the only persons not following that advice are the parents that voted McCain/Palin.
If this were John McCain, I doubt you'd see parents that voted for Obama complaining or holding their children absent from school. That by the way is an unexcused absence that counts against the student and proves/solves nothing. The homework assigned that day will still be due, so to miss a day when the leader of the free world wishes to address "education" is a bit oxymoron.
"We are a country of laws, and not men," is paraphrased from "Thoughts on Government, Applicable to the Present State of the American Colonies," written by John Adams during the spring of 1776, where he fully states: "there is no good government but what is republican. That the only valuable part of the British constitution is so; because the very definition of a republic is 'an empire of laws, and not of men.'"
The presidency is an office we as citizens SHOULD respect, regardless of the occupant in the office. Who, if you're keeping statistics, he represents 1/44 or 2.27% of the total population of presidents, 97.72% of the time; it's been white males from Washington to Bush. It is highly likely to revert back to that established paradigm in 2012 or 2016.
I will admit, the president is an effective politician and persuasive speaker, but I have no evidence of his expertise at hypnotism. To paraphrase Charles Barkley "you ARE your child's role models," and the most important persons in shaping their maturity and character.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Strength in the Broken Places: Ted Kennedy, 1932 - 2009
“The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places.” Ernest Hemingway
Ted M. Kennedy died in the comfort of his home in Massachusetts with family and friends surrounding him. He died to the date of his speech at the Democratic National Convention nominating (now) President Barack Obama as history’s first African American candidate endorsed by a major political party. He’d supported (then) Senator Obama in January of 2008 before succumbing to a seizure and the diagnosis later of a malignant brain tumor.
Strength in the broken places: despite getting expelled from Harvard in 1951 for cheating on an exam, he managed to get elected Senator in 1962.
Senator Kennedy championed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. He authored more than 3,500 bills, the Family and Medical Leave Act; the Americans with Disabilities Act being among them.
Strength in the broken places: Ted Kennedy lost older brother Joe in battle in WWII. John he lost to Lee Harvey Oswald. Robert was assassinated while running for president by Sirhan Bishara Sirhan (mainly) for his support of Israel in the six-day war one year prior to pulling the trigger.
Chappaquiddick was one of his many “broken places.”
At 37, the young Senator drove off a bridge while in the company of Mary Jo Kopechne. Ms. Kopechne drowned. The Senator was convicted of leaving the scene of an accident with a two-year suspended sentence. Had the Internet been active and fully tabloid, his career and usefulness would be over.
In 1980, he ran a failed, bitter campaign against President Jimmy Carter, ultimately losing to him and then supporting him.
Republicans that are ardently against health care reform, bitterly opposed his support of Roe vs. Wade, counted him as a dear friend.
A “Lion of the Senate” builds a life from repeated failures. He finds strength in the broken places and gives the remainder of his life to service for others. A tombstone listing his accomplishments would be as large as the Vietnam Vets Memorial.
If America is truly a “Christian nation” as is oft quoted in our sound bite, 24-hour news cycle: then the lesson of Senator Kennedy’s life would be that there is redemption after failure and great sin; that the sun ascends and sets on all and as Hemingway also stated: “Every man's life ends the same way. It is only the details of how he lived and how he died [that] distinguish one man from another.” His service and his boisterous, back-slapping laughter were his roar and his strength.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Hierodule, ("sacred servant")
You were the reason
Zeus came down from Olympus
Making Hera, his older sister/wife jealous
Yet, that god/human communion birthed: Hercules
One of mythologies greatest heroes
You are Alcmene
"the tallest,
"most beautiful woman with wisdom surpassed
"by no person born of mortal parents;
"her face and dark eyes as charming as Aphrodite's."
Lady of Cyprus,
All her;
all you;
all goddess;
all sacredly...
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Past Prologue Strategies
© 8 August 2009, The Griot Poet
Lee Atwater, God rest his soul (a fatal tumor revealed he HAD one), developed and patented divisive identity politics – the mantle taken up by Karl Rove – to get George Wallace “segregation-now-segregation-forever” Dixiecrats to Republican polls.
“The Southern Strategy” opposed the Voting Rights Act abstractly:
Atwater: “You start out in 1954 saying ‘n----r, n----r; n----r’” (when Brown vs. Board of Education received a 9 – 0 Supreme Court pass with the vigor of Thurgood Marshall’s judicial rigor to implement at all deliberate speed), “by 1968 you can’t say ‘n----r’… that hurts you. So you say stuff like”:
- “Forced busing;
- “State’s rights;
- “Tax cuts;
You keep it abstract, but the result is “blacks get hurt worse than whites.”
Now: they say the fight is “health care,” while many of us are unemployed, laid off, on food stamps or welfare. Tabloid journalists insisting on reporting debunked after debunked after debunked FAKED birth certificates (because an exotic name found [Aramaic] 24 times in the King James Bible can’t be from Hawaii!). Governor “good hair” has the highest rate of uninsured of ANY state; he berates stimulus funds, punches his fist high and shouts at treason-speaking, secession-leaning tea bagger rallies: “State’s rights!”
But now: it’s not just color: it’s class! Follow-the-money to the K Street lobby and see [who] are the true masters of republicans and blue dog democrats!
Thomas Frank asks “What’s the Matter with Kansas?” We tax cut and war mongered our way into this huge deficit.
- “Forced busing;
- “State’s rights;
- “Tax cuts;
The only point changed is the first!
Lied ourselves into two wars in Iraq, killing Saddam Hussein and sons Uday and Qusay, bombing Ur of the Chaldean’s back into the Bill O’Reilly stone age (which had NOTHING to do with 9/11 per DUBYA),
Instead of stating: “we don’t want that n----r in the White House” (built by the way on the backs of slaves),
We have “birth(er)” knaves and republican sponsored-for-20-years “Living Wills” transformed to “Logan’s Run” euthanasia, “death(er)s” shout down and stifle Congressional Town Hall Meetings in industry-sponsored Astroturf rallies,
Because 40 plus years later (from 1968), you can’t say: n----r, n----r; n----r!
Atwater said: “you got to be abstract.”
Forced busing becomes:
- “Military-Industrial-Congressional-Complex” (what Ike meant to say),
- “State’s rights;
- “Tax cuts;
A quote from “The Price of Loyalty” by Ron Suskind: “Deficits don’t matter, this is our due,” from then Vice President Richard Bruce (Dick) Cheney!
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
On Anarchists and Socialists
Anarchism: 1 : a political theory holding all forms of governmental authority to be unnecessary and undesirable and advocating a society based on voluntary cooperation and free association of individuals and groups
Socialist: 1: one who advocates or practices socialism 2: a member of a party or political group advocating socialism
Socialism: 1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods 2 a: a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b: a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state3: a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done
With those definitions out of the way, the poster depicting President Obama as "The Joker":
Obama Joker Poster
Is uninformed, dumb and ill-advised.
I don't quite understand what the endgame is regarding the GOP: if the goal is to expand the party base beyond Southern conservative whites and evangelicals, I'm not so sure these groups would be anymore comfortable with this caricature than the one of George W. Bush as Anarchist-in-Chief (same article above, see link to Vanity Fair at the end of the article).
African Americans and Hispanics are probably the most conservative, church-going group the GOP has decided in its best interest to alienate with the childish attacks against Eric Holder as Attorney General, President Obama as a fictional psychopath and Judge Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, arguably the most qualified to approach confirmation.
Tellingly (in some historical references), after slavery the first thing husbands did was go looking for wives and families; wives went to look for husbands and children, so our love of family runs pretty deep. After Lincoln's assassination, President Jackson pulled out troops from the South and the Klan and Jim Crow laws bloomed in its aftermath.
George W. Bush solidly carried Hispanics as Texas governor and pulled the group during his 2000 and 2004 campaigns, along with conservative African Americans nationwide. is a blog by such a conservative African American. His URL says it all: he was solidly for McCain during much of the primaries in the 2008 election. His tragic last entry on October 18, 2008 discusses something we're debating, have been debating for 61 years now: Health Care:
"My father is not well. He readily admits his time is short, and the encroaching spectre of The End has made him a more reflective man than I have ever known him to be.
"Dad is a self-made man who came up from nothing. To him, personal responsibility is the foundation of our society. He didn’t believe that men, black or white, should rely on anyone, especially not the government. But as he watched his life savings drain away with his health, and the dreams of his children fade as we struggled to pay the bills to keep him alive, that ideology began to feel disconnected from reality. The Conservatism he taught me encouraged unrepentant faith in the Free Market–if you believe, you will prosper. But we believed. And we are not prospering. We are withering away."
The title of this last entry: "Barack Obama for President."
Anarchist: 1: a person who rebels against any authority, established order, or ruling power2: a person who believes in, advocates, or promotes anarchism or anarchy ; especially : one who uses violent means to overthrow the established order:
THAT sounds like the disrupted Democratic town hall meetings by "mob rule" sponsored by special interest groups and republican (and blue dog democratic) operatives beholden to the insurance industry:
Health Care Industry Sabotages American Town Halls
Reviewing the History of Fake Conservative Protests
And the ridiculous, oft-sited claim that President Obama was not born in Hawaii (now with an obvious FAKE birth certificate from a man in Australia):
Obama: the Australian?
So my question: how does THIS make me CONSIDER voting for the GOP?
If you have alternatives; propose them and debate them with FACTS, not mad mobs, dogma and childish pranks done in photo shop and posted anonymously (& cowardly); felonious forgeries of official documents of countries and municipalities.
The obvious embarrassing conclusion I foresee to the "birther" movement and this lunatic fringe the GOP feel beholden to coddle is the only "gag" that will shut them: a lawsuit brought by injured parties for copious amounts of money. (If it means anything, Ann Coulter, Bill O'Reilly, Fox News and RNC Chairman Michael Steele are desperately trying to extricate their party from this thorny "birther" association.)
I'm told a few degrees at the beginning of any journey can decide whether you hit the mark of your destination or miss it be several miles. The "few degrees" that lost the republicans control of the White House and Congress were:
-NOT reacting to a CIA brief clearly stating "Osama Plans to attack America with Planes"
-NOT capturing/killing Osama Bin Laden for 9/11
-Stalling/Stymieing the 9/11 commission
-Outing CIA agent Valerie Plame
-NOT indicting Scooter Libby (what GROWN man calls himself "Scooter"?)
-The voluntary war in Iraq costing the country billions a month
-The atrocities at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo
-Giving credence to Intelligent Design and the lack of support for science and science education, thereby lessening our global competitiveness
-Denying global warming and its affect on climate and the global economy
-The Economic meltdown
-Being in control of the White House and Congress 6/8 of the Bush Administration years, taking us from a surplus to a deficit within months (and before 9/11); signing off on everything W ever wanted, the housing bubble that BURST...
I'll stop here. I COULD go on and on.
The GOP's main problem: you administrate without thinking, your dogma has become your religion to which you are more devoted to than common sense or democracy. I personally KNOW republicans that voted for Obama because like the gentlemen that wrote the blog:, they were disillusioned by your administrative performance (or, lack thereof) and preferred to exercise a right afforded them in the constitution:
Democracy: 1 a: government by the people ; especially : rule of the majority b: a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.
"We the people" grew tired of tripe, trysts (Vitter, Ensign, Sanford) and circumstance. You lost. Instead of inciting (false) grass roots riots, find out why. Stop pouting; stop manipulating; start thinking and above all: start listening!
Sunday, August 02, 2009
Shadow Dancing
“Poetry is an echo, asking a shadow to dance.” Carl Sandburg
My shadow was Mr. Tedford: science teacher from my middle school past that on my lack of completely grasping the principle of linear expansion shouted his bearded disappointment:
“No, You big dummy...!”
I faked an obviously faked laugh as the dagger he stabbed me with sunk deep.
I never told my parents, I never demanded an apology for his pomposity and his mendacity,
I self-sedated; I ate [more] massive amounts of potato chips: comfort food to medicate internal wounds.
My shadow is JROTC Cadet Colonel Wall: Aryan, standing tall, blond-haired, blue-eyed, bedecked in ribbons, highest ranking Brigade Commander of Winston-Salem, Forsyth County schools that at a casual question shot back:
“YOUR kind will NEVER get to this rank!”
(“No, You big dummy…!”)
My heart sank and I expressed my stress and angst to my parents.
“I’m sorry you had to go through that,” my dad said with a knowing glance and genuine pain in tearing eyes that hoped I’d never have this experience.
“You go back and tell that booger-bootch you can do anything you set your mind to with GOD on your side,” mom said parodying Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
I did: “In three years,” I said, “I’ll be wearing your rank.”
“I doubt that,” he said in arrogant confidence.
3 years hence:
Veni; Vidi; Vici!
I stood tall, African son, black-haired, brown-eyed, bedecked in ribbons,
Making history in the Winston-Salem Sentinel (no longer in circulation),
My dead mothers’ scribbled note on the article to my Uncle James Dean:
“This is Reggie… your nephew… my son.”
And I, have lost both of them and the innocence of the mythology of my beginnings,
Insurance claims, death certificates, will probates crowds out my time for grieving, economy not allowing me to evening mourn over their sealed graves,
On anniversaries of his death and my corporate denouement: August 26, 1999 and 2003;
On her recent demise two days before Mother’s Day weekend 2009:
One dagger remains:
I did not tell them;
And now I’ve lost them,
I stagger as I attempt to remove (alone) the dagger!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
On "the Birthers" and Lou Dobbs
I'm curious: would this controversy have any legs where his name "President Barry O'Bama" and his father were from Ireland?
Barack means "blessing" in Arabic, in Aramaic it is spelled Baruch and occurs 24 times in the Bible (for all you Christian right-wingers)!
5/27/2009 Briefing by White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs
The White House Press Secretary, Mr. Gibbs states:
"MR. GIBBS: Lester, this question in many ways continues to astound me. The state of Hawaii provided a copy with the seal of the President's birth. I know there are apparently at least 400,000 people -- (laughter) -- that continue to doubt the existence of and the certification by the state of Hawaii of the President's birth there, but it's on the Internet because we put it on the Internet for each of those 400,000 to download. I certainly hope by the fourth year of our administration that we'll have dealt with this burgeoning birth controversy." debunks it: Obama Birth Certificate
Here's a link with the seal of the 50th state of Hawaii:
Hawaii: Obama Birth Certificate with the state seal
Racism. A narcissism of self-centered, paranoia resulting from the notion that right or wrong, all things are "good" when someone like "me" is in charge.
Monday, July 20, 2009
No Prayers
I have no prayers to utter to God…
It is not that I don’t believe in Him,
I’m definitely beset by some demon
Assigned to my overt oppression and demise…
I pray for others healings and they do recover
I slack and their marriages suffer…
Like Moses, my arms get tired sometimes
Like Elijah, I suffer depression after dueling with the prophets of Baal and Ashtoreth in groves.
Like Paul, I have thorns in my side; I am left for dead many times
Like today: on the anniversary of seeing earth from God’s front porch
I am defeated by nineteen points
Separating me from bidding on a classroom this fall…
What sin can I not be forgiven?
What sin spews back from the sea of forgetfulness?
Back to shore to chagrin me again and again?
What blocks my prayers so that after ravens feed me?
I am seeking for God… to kill me?
So I can declare to my disciples that there are “more with us than there are with them.”
So I can ride a chariot of fire, translate death and give a double portion of my mantle to my sons
As I ascend before Apollo 11 beyond the sun to God’s front porch.
Rachel Maddow Correcting the Record
Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Friday, July 03, 2009
Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes...
(Last page of the comic novel, "The Watchmen," from Juvenal, Satires VI, 347, used during the Tower Commission Report in 1987)
See: Meltdown 101: Unemployment by the Numbers
The markets were pummeled by the news that unemployment was its highest in 26 years: 9.5 percent.
From the article:
"How bad is the current recession? Here's one measure: the United States now has fewer jobs than it did nine years ago, even though the work force - the number of people either working or looking for work - has grown by 12.5 million people since then.
"It's the first time since the Great Depression that a recession has wiped out all the jobs created during the previous business cycle, according to Heidi Shierholz, an economist at the Economic Policy Institute, a think tank."
I'll let you read the rest at the link above, but some thoughts as to how we're in this mess:
1. Fewer jobs: from a techie standpoint, a lot of that has to do with automation and the Internet. Remember "The Jetsons"? George's job at Spacely's Sprockets was to "push the button": he seemed the only employee needed. Jobs that had to be done in the US can now be done overseas in cheaper labor markets, results delivered in hypertext transfer protocol. (I don't support this, I'm just trying to wrap my mind around it and offer an explanation.)
2. Also, births. That is, those in 1983 - 1990 or so, those kids are now 18 - 25 and looking for something to do.
3. Lifers. I was one of them. And because the lifers are happy doing their part, their "cog" in the great wheel of industry, even though their talents and skill sets may have in many cases atrophied, they don't up and quit and start businesses: they pad their 401k and wait, hopefully for retirement (instead of layoffs = the elephant graveyard).
4. Nine years ago, we weren't as bad off as we are now. The election cycle for 2000 started with a surplus that got spent into a deficit rather quickly.
5. 9/11. Enough said.
6. War in Iraq. A "billion dollars a month" (an estimate I've heard on the news). Hm: March 2003 - July 2009 = 76 months X 1,000,000,000 = 76,000,000,000 of significant deficit reduction.
Our "Brave New World" is here, and we were not at all ready for the rapid changes that would mean. Automation may save "The Big Three" and put out green Hybrid vehicles, but a robot may be able to do what Uncle Billy used to do to put his family through school, making a upper middle class wage without a degree.
The old school sci fi flicks had us all with ENORMOUS heads and small bodies, that was obviously countered and documented in The Assault on Reason and Idiot America: How Stupidity Became a Virtue in the Land of the Free. We obviously are the diametric opposite: small brains and large, grossly out-of-shape bodies.
At this point: the only advice I can offer is to read, read, READ and be ready at a moment's notice to DO something else! I had to learn that lesson the hard way, as many of you are now experiencing the lament of jobs and security that will probably never come back, until we discover Warp Drive.
Niel Postman commented on where we are (from the "boob tube" perspective) in his insightful book: Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business. When it takes the National Enquirer to bust John Edwards having an affair, we're at a place where only bloggers scoop the news on the street, because we're not driven by the market, ratings or stock valuations. We are the very expression of democracy, which is a contact sport, not a jingo, market-driven slogan-fest of litmus tests of how "right" or "left" one is. That doesn't come up on my monthly grocery budget, my bills, my mortgage. I've changed and rearranged things in anticipation of less for the time being, ready to evolve into something on the horizon that will be different than any economy we've ever known... for the better.
Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes...Who Watches the Watchmen? WE do!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009

© 26 June 2009, The Griot Poet
They say that death comes in threes:
First, my cat Felix died quietly, as mysteriously as she’d appeared on my doorstep fully grown 15 years prior, she expired after mewing on the front stoop and curled up as if to nap – from which she did not come back.
Two weeks later: my mother, Mildred Dean Goodwin expired two days before Mother’s Day weekend. Which is like her: I’ll bet I’ll never forget this anniversary as I had hers and my father’s wedding anniversary. For that, Mother’s Day will always have meaning.
David Carradine: this generation knows him as the Bill of “Kill Bill” with the enigmatic Uma Thurman, but despite his personal demons off camera, he was the star from the Bruce Lee inspired “Kung Fu” series (Bruce was a little too “oriental” for 70s producers back then)…
This week: we lost the perennial “side kick” Ed McMahon, after suffering from breathing problems and cancer. He and he only could laugh at an obviously unfunny joke by Johnny Carson and have the audience guffaw with him.
The modern-day pin-up girl Farrah Fawcett was published in Life in ‘76; it is the best-selling pin-up poster of all time, with more than 12 million copies purchased (exceeding her weekly TV salary)... her show number one because the Corpus Christi beauty admitted “we’re number one maybe because we all don’t wear bras,” lost her life, the fantasy girl of “Charlie’s Angels” to colon cancer…
Now Michael Joe Jackson: the poor boy in the stereotypical crowded black family from Gary, Indiana who’s father was a failed musician who became the “King of Pop,” became the first to star and aligned himself with a sports star – Michael Jordan and “Jam” became the standard of video and performance excellence, became the inspiration of Usher and Justin Timberlake (they were in diapers when he did “Billy Jean” and “Thriller”). His was a “rags to riches (to rags)” story. His was evidence that any dream is possible if you work your behind off and pursue it, despite your culture, color, demons or personal struggles. His is the record of best selling pop album of all time. Any goal, no matter how outrageous is worth pursuing because despite spiritual traditions to the contrary: I suspect we only have this life to pursue it and then oblivion and judgment.
They say death comes in threes:
“For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.” (1 John 5:7 – 8)
If this is truly our reality, then let us pursue our talents and serve Deity and humanity as we walk out our destinies – our judgment of the impact of our storied pasts will be what is said about us when we’ve breathed our last.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Meditation 17 (1623 - 1624) by John Donne
I put the link because, apparently, their embed code doesn't work. When you go on You Tube and put in "Teen Cat Fight"... let's just say you get interpretations bordering on the profane.
Slowly... we are walking towards the guillotine, happy at our own demise as a civilization. The very thing that frees us - the Internet - enslaves us. We are detached from emotion, affection, true feelings, empathy. We carry on relationships at light speed with people distant from us. The beating of a child only prompted the announcement: "this is going to You Tube" from bystanders that wouldn't call the police.
Our knowledge is incredible; our education suffers; our respect for self and others absent; our wisdom lacking.
We die, with Cheshire smiles as we disappear - TGP
Meditation 17 (1623-1624)
by John Donne
Nunc lento sonitu dicunt, morieris.
Now this bell tolling softly for another, says to me, Thou must die.
Perchance he for whom this bell tolls may be so ill as that he knows not it tolls for him; and perchance I may think myself so much better than I am, as that they who are about me and see my state may have caused it to toll for me, and I know not that.
The church is catholic, universal, so are all her actions; all that she does belongs to all. When she baptizes a child, that action concerns me; for that child is thereby connected to that head which is my head too, and ingrafted into the body whereof I am a member. And when she buries a man, that action concerns me: all mankind is of one author and is one volume; when one man dies, one chapter is not torn out of the book, but translated into a better language; and every chapter must be so translated. God employs several translators; some pieces are translated by age, some by sickness, some by war, some by justice; but God’s hand is in every translation, and his hand shall bind up all our scattered leaves again for that library where every book shall lie open to one another.
As therefore the bell that rings a sermon calls not upon the preacher only, but upon the congregation to come, so this bell calls us all; but how much more me, who am brought so near the door by this sickness. There was a contention as far as a suit (in which piety and dignity, religion and estimation, were mingled) which of the religious orders should ring to prayers first in the morning; and it was determined that they should ring first that rose earliest.
If we understand aright the dignity of this bell that tolls for our evening prayer, we would be glad to make it ours by rising early, in that application, that it might be ours as well as his whose indeed it is. The bell doth toll for him that thinks it doth; and though it intermit again, yet from that minute that that occasion wrought upon him, he is united to God. Who casts not up his eye to the sun when it rises? But who takes off his eye from a comet when that breaks out? Who bends not his ear to any bell which upon any occasion rings? But who can remove it from that bell which is passing a piece of himself out of this world?
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend’s or of thine own were. Any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
Neither can we call this a begging of misery or a borrowing of misery, as though we are not miserable enough of ourselves but must fetch in more from the next house, in taking upon us the misery of our neighbors. Truly it were an excusable covetousness if we did; for affliction is a treasure, and scarce any man hath enough of it. No man hath affliction enough that is not matured and ripened by it, and made fit for God by that affliction.
If a man carry treasure in bullion, or in a wedge of gold, and have none coined into current moneys, his treasure will not defray him as he travels. Tribulation is treasure in the nature of it, but it is not current money in the use of it, except we get nearer and nearer our home, heaven, by it. Another man may be sick too, and sick to death, and this affliction may lie in his bowels as gold in a mine and be of no use to him; but this bell that tells me of his affliction digs out and applies that gold to me, if by this consideration of anothers dangers I take mine own into contemplation and so secure myself by making my recourse to my God, who is our only security.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
I dreamt I made poetry to you in Milky Way Galaxy arms surrounded by swirls of stars in an expansive blackness that had no beginning, no ending…
I dreamt I made poetry to you [by] composing sonnets on comets passing by, the ice melting in the sunshine of your sharp gaze, your smile, its trail marking orbital passage…
I dreamt I made poetry to you as you defied physics and I heard you like a siren, serenely reciting poetic prophecies that made each area of my brain light up on an MRI screen like a Christmas tree…
I dreamt I made poetry to you in timeless space-time, so we experimented with cosmic compositions; haiku as short burst of deep and poignant rhythm and rhyme, sinusoidal wave equations, quarks and quantum, Hydrogen to Helium fusion, Schrodinger particle/wave duality… a reality beyond human comprehension.
I dreamt I made poetry to you as my last act in life, my denouement, a solar moth attracted to a red giant flame, mesmerized by all-seeing eyes, pulled in by the third that is a gravity well that heavy particles of lies cannot escape.
I dreamt I made poetry to you and like Shakespeare, heaving my last sigh in the valley made by clockwise and counterclockwise swirling nebula pouring to an abyss of nothingness into the substance of the surrounding universe of teeming life…
Then, I awoke and stared at Venus and the rays of dawn.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Voyeur Exhibitionists
1. A person who derives sexual gratification from observing the naked bodies or sexual acts of others, especially from a secret vantage point.
2. An obsessive observer of sordid or sensational subjects.
1. The act or practice of deliberately behaving so as to attract attention.
2. Psychiatry A psycho sexual disorder marked by the compulsive exposure of the genitals in public.
At addiction recovery meetings, it is customary to begin with the admittance to the sin before any discussion can begin: "Hello. I'm John/Jane Doe, and I'm an alcoholic/addict."
Hello. I am The Griot Poet. I am a blogger.
That, of course, is not my real name. However, many who know me know me as "The Griot Poet," literally meaning "A storyteller in western Africa who perpetuates the oral tradition and history of a village or family."
At a deeper level, I'm not too different from a voyeur. I get links sent to my profile possibly because my disclosure of age attracts anyone with curves and a web cam: the game is to get me to "look" for free, then for a fee. I typically block them (though I have looked, then blocked them).
And, why am I so "high and mighty"? Am I not writing in Cyberspace to be "looked" at? Aren't we all trying to be "discovered" and famous? Who wouldn't like to make as much as the top-seed bloggers? Be interviewed on CNN, MSNBC for your pontification and comments? I don't actually have a qualification to my audience that might "look" and show interest, benign or lewd. Did Bathsheba accidentally bath in an open window where David could see her? Was it all his idea? I get the idea (translating it into modern speak), that the lady and the king after cutting gazes at each other engaged in the modern equivalent of "the hook up" and "booty call." It takes two to Tango.
That brings up a related point: The very fact I want someone to "look" makes me an exhibitionist. My genitalia are sentences, phrases, quotes and paragraphs. I, and others are voluntarily giving personal parts of ourselves to the world wide web in what once would have been a private diary. Some of it is insightful, lewd, brilliant, crass, thought-provoking and lately, dangerous.
Some of the comments I see posted, for example, at White House Correspondent's Dinner on You Tube are from other bloggers that obviously DON'T like the president. I see the words "n----r" and "b---h" bandied about and F*CK the president.
Yet, I cannot judge them. They, like me, have a "handle," and are probably our co-workers that we respect their output (if we're still employed, that is).
So, they express their First Amendment rights in a medium the Founders had no concept of. They connect with like-minded individuals and comment anonymously with abandon and freedom. The words are on Facebook and Myspace and Twitter and YouTube. And one obsessive compulsive will read them all and repeat them over and over... like a mantra.
And like the doppelganger antimatter equivalent of Langston's "Dream Deferred..." they explode.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
The First Amendment: Comments
See: Who Called Michelle a Gorilla?
The Founders had no concept of the Internet, 24-hour news, emails or Radio Talk Shows (Marconi wasn't born yet).
They also had no concept of 3/5 of a person occupying the Oval Office (women couldn't vote before the Suffrage Movement).
That being said: Letterman's comments were written FOR him and in poor taste. The joke writer should be fired, not Letterman: he's going from a script he's given and teleprompter he works from. He apologized to the governor. Move on.
The email was equally in poor taste. Demographics is working against the Republican Party. They have to retool from the party of religious conservatives - a brand they picked up after the '88 run of Pat Robertson - and white males. This email and their insistent attacks on Sotomayor, without doubt the most qualified to ever approach the nomination to the Supreme Court, will turn off moderates and ethnic minorities, WHICH THEY NEED if they have a chance of getting back into power. They're own pundits advise it, but they're not listening. Ironically, Matthew 5:5 states (in RED): "Blessed [are] the meek: for they shall inherit the earth."
Sunday, June 14, 2009
He is 88… and 8 is in the English alphabet the letter “H.” So to shout his age, Vonn Brunn also gave homage to his muse and dark sage: “Heil, Hitler!”
He coldly mowed down a gentle giant, Stephen T. Johns, whose only real crime was “HWB”: helping while black.
Now the brazen act is celebrated in hypertext transfer protocol on sites reflective of his dark meditations, disavowed by the heralds of T.E.A. parties: what twisted, dark, demented dreams does Vonn Brunn have while in critical condition, the consequence of his sick mission?
“44” is not the Messiah. At 2% of the total population of presidents, he is the pariah of groups that blame their conditions on “the government” or “the other,” failing to read the first words of the Preamble of the Constitution: “We the people” are what they despise! Their conditions are the result of decisions “We the people” make in November and don’t follow-up in December (and beyond)… Elections matter!
And, it matters if your country’s leader has a C average throughout a pampered, academic career or graduates Magna Cum Laude and edits the Harvard Law Review.
It matters if your country’s leader was bailed out throughout his life by “Pappy,” or pulled himself up as the son of a single mother by his own academic bootstraps.
It matters when your wealthy friends play the same games around Memorial Day and summer vacation with the price of gas.
It matters when lay offs and outsourcing makes the middle class last FAST!
It matters when the sheer concentration of wealth never “trickled down” in David Stockton’s wet dream fantasies, but steadily for eight long years TRICKLED UP!
It matters…
It matters…
I pray that as he dreams Vonn Brunn has vivid visions of Paradise and Tartarus (the latter the result of his choice extreme), and that he is not the root of a salvo aiming at low hanging fruit.
I pray that his generation ages, demography and eschatology favors the “meek inheriting the earth,” and like former Hebrew slaves before he possibly lives to see Canaan: his kind and his hate passes away.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Homegrown Terrorism and Low Hanging Fruit
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I voted for Obama. I did not wear any buttons, banners, bumper stickers to identify me as an "Obamaite." Yet... my neighbors give me as wide a berth as they do my other white neighbors that PROUDLY displayed their "Obama for America" banner on their front lawns. I guess I am my own banner. If they are Supermen, my family is Kryptonite.
I had neighbors that had Obama banners complain that other neighbors...Palin/McCain supporters - came in to either steal, debase, damage or toss their banners from their yards. And, this is supposed to make us vote Republican?
I remember the accusations of his being a Muslim. The McCain rallies where his supporters announced "off with his head"; "kill him." I'm old enough to remember the deaths of Medgar Evers, John and Robert Kennedy, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King.
The spike in hate groups since his inauguration. The question about his birth in the US coming in the thinly-veiled GOP sponsored birthers bill. The "audacity of dopes" that follow the likes of Hannity, O'Reilly and boss Limbaugh, who compared Von Brunn to a leftist, see: Limbaugh blames liberals for Von Brunn.
How practical is it for them to go after Obama, with a contingent of Secret Service dedicated to his survival?
My fear is we are the "low hanging fruit" of the deranged, the nutcases that are threatened by a world that does not favor their right to power engineered from birth throughout the twisted history of this nation, to favor them. Somehow, their sense of self-worth is based squarely on our debasement, that our second (or third class) citizenship is tantamount to their own sense of well-being. The one thing Limbaugh and I can agree on: this mentality is deranged. The one thing we will never agree on is he and his kind feed the knuckle-draggers.
My prayer is that they consistently MISS their targets (us), and eventually, like the first generation of Hebrews freed from Egypt - die out.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Domestic Terrorism
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Tuesday, June 09, 2009
[Badly] Needed to be Said (Again!)
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Originally on this blog:
Monday, November 29, 2004
[Badly] Needed to be Said
© 28 June 2004, The Griot Poet
"I think that most of my colleagues felt that what I had said badly needed to be said, that it was long overdue."
VP Cheney, defending his use of vulgarity in remarks to Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy in the Senate chamber.
of the
King... George W. Bush
and his
"Fellowship of the Ring"
of Ali Baba thieves
Conceived a
Project for a
New American Century
That needed
No ties to
Reality or
In the hypocrisy
Of FOX-y’s
“Fair and Balanced”
Mind trick
Declaration of
The latest KKK
We were
Dick-ed as
Harris, Jeb,
And Cheney
Fixed some election
Tossing out the
Sons and daughters
Of former slaves
That weren’t going
To vote for them
These are the
“Honor and integrity”
And a return to
After a
$54 million dollar
Kenn Starr
Witch hunt
That took our eyes off
The ball of
Twin tower
Fires planned
By former
Bin Laden
And Saudi family
Closely tied
In oil business
And government
“We the People”
Have no right at all
To read those
Who YOU felt
Needed on
Energy policies
WE pay for!
I deplore
Governments with
Snipers on the
People’s house
Ancient & fallen
Babylon governments
Making death
Perpetual wars
And bogeyman
These are the
“Honor and integrity”
And a return to
I have not
Found the
In the
66 books of
The canonized
Vet vulgarity
Without libel or
As my brother and sister
Put star dreams
On hold
Fighting over
Sands of Eden
For an ancient
Resource: OIL!
The party that
“Co-opted God”
Won’t apologize
Or recoil
From the obvious
Of Halliburton
In no-bid
“Honor and integrity”
Are locked away
On a dark shelf:
Mr. Cheney -
Why don’t you
Make a plaster cast of
Less-than-an-inch long
Male member,
Pull your pants
Down in your
Secret bunker
And joyfully
SCREW yourself!
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Rachel Maddow & Keith Olbermann Shows-Words and Murder
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Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
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